No Way Out


You will see hallucinations, and you will say crazy things.

~Proverbs 23:33, NLT


Man, being truly man {no matter what he says or does} cries out for meaning that can only be found in the existence of an infinite and personal God.

~Francis Schaeffer

Please patiently read this blog. Don’t give up too soon. I am fascinated in my the study of the life of Friedrich Nietzsche. I have no doubt that he was highly intelligent, nor that he did great harm to mankind with his philosophy of moral relativism which brought on the Enlightment. Ironically, Nietzsche’s father was a Lutheran pastor and Nietzsche was at one time preparing for the ministry himself. Unfortunately, he was influenced by some very evil people and he became a critic of the Bible instead of a student. He was orphaned at a young age but raised by his grandmother and older sisters. He was a brilliant student. At the age of 24 he became a professor at the University of Basel in Switzerland and had a summer home in Sil Maria, on the banks of lake Sils in Switzerland. He spent many of his winters in Genoa, Italy. Inscribed on a rock near his summer home is a message in German but it has been translated to English:

Oh man! Take heed of what the dark midnight says: I slept, I slept–from deep dreams I awoke; the world is deep and more profound than day would have thought. Profound in her pain of heart. Woe speaks; pass on. But all pleasure seeks eternity–a deep and profound eternity

Surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery on earth, Nietzsche felt the tension and despair of a person who leaves Christ out of their lives. With no personal God; especially one that loves and cares for you, there is no hope. Nietzsche was a brilliant man but he rejected Christ and got involved with an immoral woman named Salome’ of all things. She was a prostitute and he got venereal disease, then he lost his mind. The liberal press says he had a mental breakdown but in truth, it went absolutely insane. Nietzsche is the father of Secular Humanism. The secular humanist believe in a closed system with man at the center. Draw a circle and write man in the center and understand, they believe that there is nothing outside the circle. Man is on his own–there is no divine intervention. C.S. Lewis was a brilliant man and a prophet. If you don’t believe me, read the ABOLITION OF MAN. Secular humanist believe that man is the answer and he will solve all the problems and that eventually, he will subdue even nature itself. They are going to control the weather. They are going to CHANGE THE CLIMATE. What Lewis says in the Abolition of Man is that this goal cannot be achieved without man destroying himself.

Picture in your mind a deep, dark, round pit. The deeper you go, the darker it gets. Secular humanist are in this pit and the deeper they go in rebellion against God and His authority, the darker it gets. They are stumbling around in the dark looking for a lighted exit, a way out of the darkness. The analogy is not mine; it belongs to Francis Schaeffer who believes that Leonardo Da Vinci died in despair saying, “there is no way out.” But there is a way out and His name is Jesus.


Another great weekend of worship. God is good! Weather is great temperature wise but we need a little rain. We are always needing something, amen! Busy day today, Pastor’s Conference meeting at the POINT. Please continue to pray for our friends battling cancer and we add David Orr to the list. David is seeing a surgeon today. He has colon cancer. We are hoping they caught it early. Gregg is slowly getting stronger. My sister Holly has her second chemo this week. Pray for Gregg, Holly, Beth and David.

I hope you have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.

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