Oh, The Depths


Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!

~Romans 11:33, NKJV


The more I know, the more I know that I don’t know.


God is omniscience, He knows everything. One of the fascinating things about aging is our growing awareness of our ignorance. It is amazing how much I have forgotten since I was seventeen and knew it all. I love reading John Philips and he introduced me to three people I had never heard of prior to reading his sermon. Henry David Thoreau, Louisa May Alcott and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow are all familiar names but who in the heck is Odell Shepherd? Mr. Odell Shepherd was the editor of the three above and need I tell you the importance of an editor. A good editor can make author great. Odell Shepherd was a professor, poet and politician. He graduated at Harvard and then taught English at Yale before going to Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, and becoming their professor of English for 29 years. He was also the 86th Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut, 1941-1943.

Shepherd said something that I really like and wanted to share with you. He said America is built on four corner stones: [1] The English Bible [2] The English Language [3] Common Law {unwritten law based on customs and legal precedents} and [4] The tradition of liberty. I really like his conclusions. The English Bible is huge to me because English is the only language I can read. Geoffrey Taylor Bull was an English missionary to China {born 1921- promoted 1999}. The communist imprisoned Bull and for three years they tortured him. They took his bible the moment he was arrested and gave it back to him the day he was set at liberty. They believed they could brainwash Bull and destroy his faith in the word of God but that faith only got stronger. The more they persecuted him, the stronger his faith grew until they gave up and let him go. Bull later testified that he could not express the ecstasy he felt in his soul when they placed his bible back in his hands.  Charles Anderson Dana (August 8, 1819 – October 17, 1897) was an American journalist, author, and senior government official. He was a top aide to Horace Greeley as the managing editor of the powerful Republican newspaper New-York Tribune until 1862. Dana said, “Of all books, the most indispensable and the most useful, the one whose knowledge is the most effective, is the Bible.” Can you imagine the editor of the New York Times making that statement today?

Three great men of history who loved and appreciated the word of God and I did not know they existed until I picked up John Phillip’s commentary. Thank you John for introducing me to these three great men. Oh the depth of God’s wisdom and knowledge.


First day of fall PTL. As Sister says, “I am so ready.” Holly and Big Mama are headed to Vandy and I have the soccer mom duties-transporting children. I am excited about a day in the study. Gregg got home. I haven’t talked with him but JD said they got home yesterday. We are certainly thankful that God spared his life and gave Traci the wisdom and courage she needed to recessitate him.

If you disagree with Biden and his destructive policies…you are a deplorable, bigoted, fascist and racist. So much for the two party system and reasonable debate. The dems are determined to rule or ruin. They don’t have enough sense to rule so the only alternative is to ruin. What do demons, democrats, drugs and sin have in common? They all destroy.

Have a good day and enjoy the first day of fall.

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