The LORD is King for ever and ever; the ungodly shall perish from the land.
~Psalm 10:17, Cloverdale {10:16 in other Translations}
Ultimately all power and authority belong to Christ. There is no real or lasting power except His.
Some times I chuckle at the things I use to say concerning authority; I can imagine the LORD getting a laugh or two himself when some fool here on earth talks about his or her power. Psalm 10 is a description of the wicked {those in rebellion against God} and their view of power. As I have been saying for years, there is more than one kind of Jew. The Sanhedrin was made of mostly Sadduccees. The Sadduccees were more political than spiritual and they were extremely wealthy. They maintained their power by gaining and maintaining their wealth. As others have said, they practiced the GOLDEN RULE–He who has the gold rules. Psalm 10 gives us the characteristics of this elitist power group that is still in existence today.
- The wicked are arrogant who know how to scheme and devise.
- They boast about what they want and they revile the LORD.
- They are so proud that they care not for God; they don’t give Him a thought. He doesn’t matter to them.
- Their ways are devious at all times. {media}
- They say in their heart, “No one can bring me down.”
- Their mouth is full of cursing, deceit and oppression; under their tongue is mischief and wrong.
- They lurk; lie is wait like a lion to pounce on the lowly and the helpless They oppress the innocent, the helpless, the broken and the humble {they even kill babies for profit}. Taking advantage of others is a way of life to them.
- They say in their hearts, “God has forgotten; He hides His face; He will never notice.”
Now you can understand why the Psalmist declared in verse 16–The LORD is king for ever. GOD IS IN CONTROL. Even when it seems that He is not, He is. Watchman Nee pointed out something that had never crossed my mind. Jesus was born not just in Bethlehem, an obscure village in Judah that 99% of the world had never heard of, but He was born in the Roman Empire. God permitted Rome to absorb the world so that Jesus could be born into an Empire. He was born and lived under Roman law and died on a Roman cross by the hands of Roman soldiers. Jesus came for the world, not just Judea. God knows what He is doing. It is not His problem that we don’t. God has no problems; only plans.
Good cool crisp Christmas weather today. I am not sure I can recall a Christmas with more sickness. I have spent Christmas day at the hospital at least once, but in terms of the numbers, I don’t remember one like this. I ask you to keep praying for these families in crisis. I think Melanie is critical. She does have a great attitude and I saw that she was at peace when I talked with her a week ago. Pray for Brent and the children. They have had a hard two years. I appreciate the way DBC has reached out to this family and they appreciate it too. Keep praying for Christy and Charity Clark. Same last name but no relation. Both are battling the dreaded foe.
I am late again today. Getting a little lazy as we move toward Christmas. The flu bug has hit the Bailey’s: Ty was not able to play last night and Hannah has had to cancel her spend the night party.
I hope you have a good day and thanks for reading the blog.