Common people are only a vapor; important people, an illusion. Together on a scale, they weigh less than a vapor.
~Psalm 62:9, CSB
You would not think any duty small; if you yourself were great!
~George MacDonald
Paul said in Romans two, “There is no partiality with God.” There are no big people or little people. In God’s sight, there are no VIP’s. Rich or poor, big or small, common or uncommon, in God’s sight people are simply people. It is not this way in society, any society. Admittedly some are worse than others at putting people is socio-economic groups, but it is human nature to make class judgements. Rich people are treated differently from poor people and there is nothing you can do about it. In a sense, no human is worth anything, put on scales, we don’t weigh anything. If you could put all the rich and the wealty on scales, they would weigh nothing. What determines our worth is the value placed on us by our Creator. Billy Graham said, “It was because God’s love was so intense that He gave His only begotten Son for us.”
It was a happy day for me when I finally realized that my worth is determined by the price Jesus paid for me, and that was His life. His death for me gives me my worth. I get my self-esteem from my relationship with Christ who loves me unconditionally. Pride blinds us. Not only does pride convince us that we are better than others, it encourages us to use others to our own advantage but power is an illusion. You don’t have any power; you may think you do but you don’t. When the death angel comes knocking, how much power will you have? How much power do you have in whether or not you will live again in another life? What control do you have over eternity? I will tell you in one word, NONE!
The wicked are after one thing; absolute control. God will never permit this to happen. In the end, they will be deeply disappointed when they finally understand, they have no power and they are not in control.
Melanie Mitchell went to be with the LORD at 4:30 this morning. Melanie was a warrior. She approached the final battle with courage and valor. She stayed awake as long as possible and was able to talk to Brent and myself yesterday but breathing had become a struggle. I am thankful that Melanie got to be at home with family. I am also thankful that her suffering is over. Pray for Brent and the children.
Christy Clark got to go visit Sarah yesterday or so that was the plan. She did have to go back and get fluids last Friday.
Praise the LORD for another wonderful worship service yesterday: God is good.
LORD willing we will be taking some time off so tomorrow’s blog will be the last until January 6, 2025.