This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope.
~Lamentations 3:21, NKJV
Memories, painful or otherwise, are etched into our hard drive and some experiences seem to be unforgettable.
Do you wake up in the morning thinking about something that you would like to forget. Many of these things come under the heading of ‘regret,’ and there was no conscience effort on our part to think about these things. We just wake in the middle of the night or in the morning thinking about them. This is the part of our memory that we cannot control. It is strange that I have totally forgotten some things, and yet there are others that I cannot seem to forget. Recall is slightly different. Sometimes I am in conversation with a person and they bring up a certain name or incident and I begin the process of trying to recall [bring to mind] the person or event. In other words, I am making a conscious effort to remember. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not.
The book of Lamentations is a sad book. It is a description of what Jeremiah witnessed during the siege of Jerusalem. Among the horrific things he saw was the starving children. These images of children begging for food was inscribed in his mind. In the midst of this horror, Jeremiah paused to recall some more positive things to set his mind on. Jeremiah recalled some comforting truths: [1] It was by God’s great mercy that Israel was not consumed. [2] God is compassionate or loving and His compassions never fail. [3] God is faithful. Paul said, “Even if we are faithless, God remains faithful. [2 Timothy 2:13]
The one sin that we must try to avoid is that of forgetting what God has done for us. So hit your recall button and make a list of things God has done for you that you need to thank Him for. Count your blessing, name them one by one.
I don’t like being gone, especially on Sunday; so it was good to be back at Grace Point and enjoy our men’s bible study class and a Communion Service. I also love the Sunday dinners with the family and we had a good service last night: Thank YOU Jesus!
October is one of my favorite months and it goes by way too fast. Josh has our Trunk-A-Treat on the 31 which is the right night. I am old school. I talked to Pat yesterday and he agreed to do Jambalaya. Hey, it is good stuff. I didn’t think I liked jambalaya until I ate some of Pat’s. Even Big Mama likes it.
Some of you may have been getting false messages from me on Facebook messenger. We have tried to delete my account altogether and I don’t know if we were successful or not. I haven’t been on FB in five years but it was still in the cloud. Hopefully, we have removed it.
It looks like it will be another beautiful fall day; I hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading the blog.