Rich Man–Poor Man


The poor are shunned even by their neighbors, but the rich have many friends.

~Proverbs 14:20, NIV


The rich have many friends, not because of who they are but because of what they have.


In our culture, the difference between success and failure is a few million dollars. Rich people have many friends because they have swimming pools, nice cars, big houses, lake houses, beach houses and they eat in the best restaurants. They can also pick up your tab and give expensive gifts. The poor live in old houses, drive old cars, eat at Jack’s and are prone to ask for loans because they can’t make ends meet or have squandered what they have by making poor decisions. The rich shun the poor because they do not want to give the loan; at least not at a high risk. Being in the middle, I know just a little bit about both. There are certain people that I try to avoid because every time I see them coming, I know they want something. Of course I am poor in relationship to others who have millions. I try very hard not to be needy in their presence. Perhaps it is pride on my part, I don’t know but I do not want them to feel that I am after their money. I do have a couple of rich friends but I can assure you that if they lost everything, they would still be my friends and I would help them any way I could.

Luke 16 tells us about an odd couple, a rich man and a poor man. Tradition says the rich man’s name was Divees and the poor man’s name was Lazarus. As the story goes, death {physical} changed everything. In eternity, Divees is in hades and has nothing including hope. Lazarus is in paradise and has perfect health and happiness. Wealth alone does not make one rich. Money is not a very good companion when the death angel calls. At some point we have to decide which world we will live for; this one or the next. I decided long ago to live for the next. The Psalmist said in Psalm 120, “How wretched I am, living in Meshech.” Meshech is synonymous with the fallen world that is in rebellion against God and hates the Prince of Peace. I can never be happy in such a world. I long to live in a world that loves and honors Christ.

Divees had money but He didn’t have Jesus. Lazarus had Jesus but he didn’t have money. How blessed we are to have both but we dare not make money our god. Money is a great tool but it makes a pitiful god. Make sure you control the money and avoid at all cost letting the money control you. Beware of every form of Greed. Real life does not consist in the possessions you own.

I have no idea when I wrote this blog but pressed for time this morning, I saw this one had not been published. Hopefully, you can get something out of it. Bro. Inman was fond of saying, “I’ve never heard a sermon that I didn’t get something out of it but I have had a few narrow escapes.” This blog may be like some of my sermons, a narrow escape.

Did something yesterday that I don’t remember doing before: I preached the same sermon three times. I praise the LORD for another good day of worship and rest. Sunday is our sabbath, our day of rest. We are not to do things on Sunday that are not necessary. If you can’t get it done is six days, it is probably not worth doing. You will never get ahead by desecrating the LORD’s day.

Larry Slater had a bad weekend. I really want you to lift up Larry, Rhonda and the family. Many of you know Terri Nelson the Priceville girls Basketball coach: Larry is her dad. Also remember Thomas and Barbara Pickens who have been at Princeton’s in Birmingham for over two weeks. Thomas has a fluid problem.

I think we are talking hot and dry this week: we will be crying for rain within the month, probably. It has been a strange Spring. Have a great week.

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