The Spiral of Silence

Scripture Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. ~Proverbs 31:8, NLT Quote Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless. ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer As Sir Edmund Burke said, “The only…

God Loves Obedience

Scripture Then Jeremiah turned to the Recabites and said, “This is what the LORD… the God of Israel, says: ‘You have obeyed your ancestor Jehonadab in every respect, following all his instructions. Therefore… the God of Israel, says: ‘Jehonadab son of Recab will always have descendants who serve Me.’” Quote One act of obedience is better than a…


Scripture The God of Israel is speaking to you. He is the LORD who rules over all. He says, “Change the way you live and act. Then I will let you live in this place. ~Jeremiah 7:3, NIrV Quote Repentance is to the spirit what breath is to the body: it is vital. ~Ya’akov The…

The Dark Side

Scripture While the people of Israel were still at Rephidim, the warriors of Amalek attacked them. ~Exodus 17:8, NIrV Quote No good can come from a compromise with evil ~Ya’akov The Amalekites were descendants of Esau we think. They were nomads who roamed the Negev, the very southern part of Israel. For the most part,…