Pride And Wealth

Scripture Rich men are conceited, but their real poverty is evident to the poor. ~Proverbs 28:11, LNT Quote Money has never made a man happy and never will. Instead of filling a vacuum, it creates a larger one. ~Ben Franklin Let me say two things right off of the bat, Ben Franklin was one smart…


Scripture A person who promises a gift but doesn’t give it is like clouds and wind that bring no rain. ~Proverbs 25:14, NLT Quote We make a living by what we get {earn}; we make a life by what we give. ~Sir Winston Churchill We were created for God’s pleasure and it pleases Him for…

The Trap

Scripture Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich: you are wasting your time. Riches can disappear as though they had the wings of a bird! ~Proverbs 23:4-5, JEV Quote God can satisfy your need but no one can satisfy your greed. ~Ya’akov What is the root of sin; is it pride or disobedience? Technically…

Divine Ownership

Scripture The earth is the LORD ’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. ~Psalm 24:1, NLT Quote We are never more like God than when we are giving. ~Anonymous  Psalm 24 contains the first principle of CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP. We call it Divine Ownership which means everything belongs to…

Mortal Sins

Scripture There is a sin that is mortal; I do not say that you should pray about that. All wrongdoing is sin, but there is a sin that is not mortal. ~I John 5:15-16, NRSV Quote Sin is your murderer: kill it before it kills you. ~Richard Baxter The Greek word translated ‘mortal’ in the…


Scripture The LORD God who rules over all…says, “Why do you want to bring all this trouble on yourselves? Jeremiah 44:7, NIRV Quote Life is like a garden with snakes and weeds; there is bound to be trouble but don’t make it worse by sowing bad seeds. ~Ya’akov Everyone has problems. It is all but…


Scripture Then he told them a story: “A rich man had a fertile farm that produced fine crops. He said to himself, ‘What should I do? I don’t have room for all my crops.’” ~Luke 12:16-17, NLT Quote Self made men are prone to worship their creator. ~Image Quotes Narcissism is excessive or erotic interest in…

The LIFE That Really Is Life

Scripture For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life. ~Ephesians 2:10, NRSV Quote Work for the cause {Christ} not for applause. Live to express, not to impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, work to make your…

Too Good To Be True

Scripture But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction. ~I Timothy 6:9, NASB Quote He who is greedy, is always in want (and never satisfied). ~Horace Bob and Sarah Chew worked hard and saved well. After living…

The Second Commandment

Scripture Learn to do what is right! Treat people fairly. Give hope to those who are beaten down. Cheer them up. Stand up in court for children whose fathers have died. And do the same thing for widows. ~Isaiah 1:17, NIRV Quote The Jews never abandoned worship although their worship became superficial and displeasing to…