Implicated In Murder

Scripture ‘When Pilate realized that a riot was about to break out and that it was useless to try to reason with the crowd, he sent for a basin of water. After washing his hands in front of the people, he said, “I am innocent of the blood of this righteous man. The responsibility for…

Psalm 38

Scripture My guilt has become too much for me. It is a load too heavy to carry. ~Psalm 38:4, NIRV Quote Grace means all your mistakes now serve a purpose {humility] instead of serving you shame. ~Source Unknown One of the great things about reading the Psalms daily is their freshness. I read Psalm 38 in…

What’s Not In Heaven

Scripture He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever. ~Revelation 21:4, NLT Quote The most thrilling thing about heaven is that Jesus Christ will be there. ~William Franklin Graham Can you imagine the disciples grief when…

Ezra The Scribe

Scripture After all that has happened to us because of our evil deeds and terrible guilt ​— ​though You, our God, have punished us less than our iniquities deserve and have allowed us to survive — should we break Your commands again. ~ Ezra 9:13 (CSB) Quote When life’s burden grow so heavy that you…


Scripture “You will remember your evil ways and your deeds that were not good, and you will loathe yourselves for your iniquities and detestable practices. It is not for your sake that I will act …Be ashamed and humiliated because of your ways, house of Israel!” ~Ezekiel 36:31-31, CSB Quote Guilt is the feeling that you’ve…


Scripture Iniquities overwhelm me; only You can atone for our rebellions. ~Psalm 65:3, CSB Quote God had only one Son without sin but He has no sons without suffering. ~Augustine I cease to be amazed in by daily bible reading as I read through new and unfamiliar translations. I declare, I see things I have…

A Heavy Burden

Scripture My guilt overwhelms me–it is too heavy to bear. ~Psalms 38:4 Quote “It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution.” ~Oscar Wilde ‘Heavy’ is an oft used adjective in the Old Testament…heavy hand, heavy taxes, heavy burdens, heavy loses, heavy blow, heavy load, heavy yoke but more times than not in…

Hope Lost

Scripture There are more troubles all around me than I can count. My sins have caught up with me, and I can’t see any longer. My sins are more than the hairs of my head. I have lost all hope. ~Psalms 40:12, NIrV Quote Begin every day with a new hope and forget what lies…

Perhaps And Maybe

Scripture They will hear what the LORD will do to them when his burning anger blazes out against them. Then perhaps they will pray to him. And maybe all of them will turn from their evil ways.” ~Jeremiah 36:7, NIrV Quote America will not turn to God until they have no where else to turn.…

Sin Stinks

Scripture My wounds are ugly. They stink. I’ve been foolish. I have sinned. ~Psalms 38:5, NIrV Quote Guilt is to the spirit what pain is to the body. ~Image Quotes The essence of sin is selfishness that leads to rebellion: we want things our way. Isaiah describes our condition well in chapter 53, “All of…