Deep Dissatisfaction

Scripture We love, because He first loved us. ~I John 4:19 Quote Only Jesus can love you perfectly. ~Ya’akov It is natural for us to expect other humans to fulfill our needs; especially our emotional needs to be affirmed, accepted and loved unconditionally. I do admit a mothers love comes close but no one can…

Eliezer of Damascus

Scripture  One day, Abraham called in his most trusted servant and said to him, “Solemnly promise me in the name of the Lord that you won’t choose a wife for my son Isaac from the people here in the land of Canaan. Instead, go back to the land where I was born and find a wife for him from…

Guard The Heart

Scripture Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. ~Proverbs 4:23, NLT Quote Learn from the mistakes of others: you don’t have time to make them all yourself. ~Anonymous The heart is not primarily the symbol of emotion, though emotion is not excluded, but of thought, of the mind…