
Scripture You may believe you are doing right, but the Lord judges your reasons. ~Proverbs 21:2 Quote Good intentions do not sanction bad deeds; neither do bad intentions sanction good deeds. ~Anonymous We all have a pride problem and our pride leads us to believe that we are always right. Bill and I had a…


Scripture Jabez was more respected than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez. She had said, “I was in a lot of pain when he was born.” ~I Chronicles 4:9, NIrV Quote God is the greatest giver in the universe. ~Randy Alcorn A few years back, Bruce Wilkerson wrote a book, THE PRAYER OF…

Thinking Before You Speak

Scripture They refused to obey the Spirit of God. So Moses spoke without thinking. ~Psalm 106:33, NIrV Quote Not only are we accountable for what we say; we are accountable for how we say it. ~Ya’akov If you think I have someone in mind, someone who is guilty of speaking before they think–you are right,…