Deep Dissatisfaction

Scripture We love, because He first loved us. ~I John 4:19 Quote Only Jesus can love you perfectly. ~Ya’akov It is natural for us to expect other humans to fulfill our needs; especially our emotional needs to be affirmed, accepted and loved unconditionally. I do admit a mothers love comes close but no one can…

Focus On The FATHER

Scripture One day soon afterwards Jesus went out into the mountains to pray, and He prayed all night. ~Luke 6:12, LNT Quote Our greatest hindrance in prayer is that we make it more about us than we do the Father. ~Charles Stanley Jesus was the only Begotten. Someone said, “God has many sons, but only…


  Scripture They gave me poison for food, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink. ~Psalm 69:21, NRSV Quote We pray not to inform God or to instruct Him but to become intimate with Him. ~John Chrysostom Psalm 69 is a Psalm of David and the most quoted Psalm in the N.T.…