Thank God!


I always thank my God every time I mention you in my prayers.

~Philemon 4


There are two kinds of people: the kind you like and the kind you don’t like; the kind that encourage you and the kind that discourage you.

~Phil Glisson

When I read a new translation, I never begin with the tiny book of Philemon, but when I read it in the William’s translation yesterday, it came alive. Paul is right, when certain people come across our mind, we give thanks to God for them. It is a knee-jerk reaction for a believer. Why did Paul give thanks for Philemon everything his name came to mind in his prayer time? Because Philemon was a refreshing personality. He was a breath of fresh air; an encourager. I know people like Philemon and so do you and it amazes me how often I give thanks for them.

Now there are people who are the opposite. When they walk into a room, they suck the air out. They are needy. The focus has to be on them and one way or the other, they will draw attention to themselves. If they have to throw a rock through a window, they will do it, but you are going to pay attention to them. They are in your face and they refuse to be ignored. Tell the truth, when you see them coming, you duck in door and get out of sight. The greater their cry for attention, the less desire you have to give them yours. Many years ago, I knew a woman who came to church fellowships but she never ate. She would get her a chair and sit on the wall and look miserable. She wanted people to notice her unhappiness and they did for a while but eventually, they just ignored her as if she was not there.

Everyone has problems: there are no exceptions. People who pretend to have it all together are the biggest hypocrites of all. Everyone has their low moments; we can’t be strong all the time but we have to remember that the person were talking to has problems also. Although you may be unburdening yourself, you may be creating a heavier load for them. We all need refreshing people in our lives and thank God, I am surrounded. I told someone last Wednesday night that I have a couple at Grace Point who would brag on me if I fell off the stage backwards. We need those kind of people and I thank God for them.

I never knew the man personally, but someone I thank God for often in Billy Graham. His devotionals are so refreshing. I can’t wait to open PEACE FOR THE DAY each morning.


June has left me! She is running errands for the grands and she has some business in town. The last thing she said to me was, “Don’t forget, you are to be at Too Tall’s at 10:30.” I said, “How about you call and remind me at 10:00.” She said, “How can I call you when you will not answer your phone.” She has a point. We are picking up the vans in Athens today and the youth leave for Pigeon Forge at 6:00 tonight. I am driving one from Athens to the POINT, but I am not going on the trip. Thank God for Charles and Josh! Driving one of those vans for the youth trips would be a good job for Steve Edmonson.

Heat wave rolling in today. You might want to get your bathing suit out; today would be a good day to lay out. I worked outside in a T-shirt yesterday and today is going to be warmer. The warm days in January don’t bother me like the ones in July and August.

Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.

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