The Angel Of The LORD


The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
    and he delivers them.

~Psalm 34:7, NIV


Because we are imperfect human beings with imperfect faith, we fall prey to fear and doubt.

~Jim Gallery

There are two kinds of fear: one is good and the other is not. Both are mentioned in Psalm 34. I don’t think much of John Goldengay’s commentary but I like his translation of Psalms. Three times the good fear {awe} is used in Psalm 34, verses 7,9,11. Awe is a good fear and it is essential to worship. It is probably essential to obedience and it is the first step to wisdom and understanding. The bad fear is mentioned in verse 4, I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me.
He freed me from all my fears. The Hebrew word is meg-o-raw’ and Goldengay translates it ‘terror.’ None of us what to be terrified. I was born with a yellow spine; I have been fearful all my life. The first verse my mother taught me was Psalm 56:3, When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. I have been quoting that verse since I was a small child.

Fear is not a bad thing, not all together. It is our fear that keeps us from danger. I am afraid to drive 100 MPH ; I am even afraid to rid with Don doing a 100 MPH. This is a healthy fear. Whatever was going on in David’s life made him very afraid. Wiersbe thinks it is when he went to Gath in flight from Saul. So there was a moment of terror, there was a desperate prayer and there was a divine deliverance. Thus David writes,The angel of the Lord {preincarnate Christ} encamps around those who fear Him, and he delivers them. The same thing happened with Jacob a few hundred years earlier. The Angel of the LORD not only camped out near Jacob, He had an encounter with Jacob. The thing about angels is they are hard to see. Most of the time we don’t see them at all. David never saw the Angel but later he came to realize that He was camped near by. We may suffer with HIM {JESUS} but we will never suffer without HIM. When our hearts are broken and our spirits crushed, He moves closer.


So thankful for another fantastic LORD’s day and the privilege of sharing God’s perfect word. God is good. I got a text from Christy Clark that blessed my heart, her tumors are shrinking. They are getting smaller and smaller with treatment. She made my day. I love good news and I literally hate cancer. Charles showed me how to get past the dog {at the Clarks}: you throw it a rubber ball and I think it is a she; she goes and gets it. I am not afraid of a dog who has a ball in their mouth. I just get nervous when I think about a leg in the mouth.

I like cool weather; it help my breathing but this is cold weather. I am OK with it because I don’t have to get outside but we are going to have a big water bill because we have to let the water drip in both buildings to keep our pipes from freezing. I had rather pay West Morgan Water as the Plummer. According the the forecast, it will be Wednesday before we get above freezing. Thank God for electricity and I am glad were are not getting snow and ice. Big Mama and her old man need that electricity. They do not have any alternate heat.

Have a good day, stay warm and thanks for reading the blog.

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