For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace.
~Romans 6:14, NASB
The blood of Christ has dealt with our sins, but only the power of His death and resurrection can deal with me {self}.
~Watchman Nee
To follow Christ is to set your face toward Jerusalem. Jesus knew exactly what awaited Him in Jerusalem and the same thing awaits us. Yes, we too have a cross to bear and a death to die. It is a differ sort of death; it is a death to self. When we go back to our conversion or to our last repentance, we know the joy of feeling His forgiveness but the sad thing is that we sin again. We get frustrated because we commit the same sin over and over. We develop a deep longing not just to be forgiven but to be free of the inclination to sin which is in every human being. Yes, I do want forgiveness but I also want to be delivered from my wretched self. Watchman Nee said, “I definitely appreciate my pardon but I want more. I rejoice is the forgiveness of what I have done, but I also need deliverance from who I am.”
Death is not a pleasant experience; even Jesus dreaded the cross. My flesh always cringes or draws back at the mention of a cross. Jesus went through with the cross because He knew it was for the best. It was what His father wanted and He wanted to please His Father. Now it is my time to bear a cross and I acknowledge that it is for the best. It will not only please my LORD, it will set me free, put me on higher ground.
Doug sang “I’d Rather Have Jesus,” last Sunday and I have not been able to get it off my mind. One line in the chorus jumped out at me…
I am sick and tired of being held in sin’s dread sway. I sin, but I don’t want to sin. May God give me grace to die to sin and self. In 1 Corinthians 15:31 Paul said, “I die daily.” Evidently it is a process. I think about the little poem that Bertha Smith use to quote regularly…
Lord, bend that proud and stiffnecked “I,”
Help me to bow the neck and die,
Beholding Him on Calvary,
Who bowed His Head for me.
Jackson wanted to go riding yesterday and it was cold. I had to run a little heat in my office. Matter of fact, I have the heat on now. It beats a heat wave. We just need a little rain. I would like for all of you to pray for my good friend David Wood. David has prostrate cancer. We are looking at a possible surgery. We will know more in two weeks.
I am thrilled with out Bible Translation project: we lack only 22 verses and we had several out last Sunday who may do a verse. I thank the LORD for the good response. We have a new fellowship hall and we plan to use it. We have a jambalaya supper on October 30 at 6:00 in the new hall. Our new parking lot in front of the hall should be completed by then. October 25 is our 49er luncheon and the menu is stew.