The Gift Of God’s Word


“I am the LORD your God,
    who teaches you what is good for you
    and leads you along the paths you should follow.

~Isaiah 48:17, NLT


The bible is the constant rain that waters the root system of our faith.

~Dr. Billy Graham

I rate my devotions as I read them and I use the hotel system. Billy Graham’s devotion yesterday was excellent {five star}. He has a series of devotionals and this year I am reading PEACE For Each Day. I continue to be amazed at Dr. Graham’s wisdom. I have no idea what year he wrote the devotion {The Gift of God’s Word}; it could have been forty years ago but there is not a doubt in my mind, he wrote this one for me. Yes, I know, Billy Graham did not know that I existed but God did and He inspired him to write the devotion: of this I am sure.

Dr. Graham asks the question: HOW DOES THE BILE HELP US? Then he gives the answer: It points us to the truth–about ourselves, about the world, and most of all about Jesus and His love for us. The Christian faith is not a matter of personal opinion or unfounded optimism; it is rooted in the unchanging truth of God’s inspired word. My soul and spirit need the WORD just like my lungs need oxygen. I cannot survive without the word. I have no doubt that a part from the word, I would drown in a sea of despair. Thank God for the gift of His word. Thank God for the life and witness of Billy Graham.


Another beautiful day it appears: 53 degrees yesterday evening and 22 this morning. Only in Alabama: you can’t get weather like this is Alaska. The LORD directed me to go visiting yesterday and I did. Spent the entire day visiting shut-in and nursing homes. There are a lot of lonely people out there that spend a lot of time by themselves. They don’t want you dropping off a gift or a fruit basket, they want you to come in, sit down and stay awhile. The gift they want is your time.

Edith Bennich is back at rehab at Summerfords. Bobby Vest is much better. Don’t forget to pray for the sick. Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.

GRACE POINT: things are set for the supper tomorrow night at 6:00. Don’t miss it!

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