The Immutable Christ


Arise, O Lord, and enter your resting place, along with the Ark, the symbol of your power.

~Psalm 132:8, NLT


Jesus never changes; He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

~Writer of Hebrews {13:8}


The thought had never crossed my mind until I read Watchman Nee’s TABLE IN THE WILDERNESS; When Solomon built the temple, he built all new furnishings except the ARK of the Covenant. The very same ARK that Moses had constructed and that was in the Tabernacle was placed in the magnificent Temple of Solomon. Amazingly, the ARK contained three things: the law, manna and the budding rod of Aaron, all three symbols of Israel’s rebellion. The ARK had a lid that was called the Mercy Seat, it covered the broken law, or the rebellion of the people. The High Priest once a year would put blood on that mercy seat symbolizing our atonement.

The Ark, the Tabernacle and the Temple were only shadows of the substance to come and of course that substance was Jesus the way, truth and life. Jesus is our Emmanuel, GOD WITH US. In Christ, God dwelt among us. He was God’s very presence in this world. Everything in the Tabernacle points to Jesus. Even the Temple that Solomon and Herod built points to Jesus. The Jews were bad about worshipping the shadow or the symbol. The Temple became an idol to them. They didn’t understand that God could never be confined to a Temple built by man. Jesus tried to emnlighten His followers and the Jews by telling them that He Himself was the real Temple. Folks we don’t worship a place, we worship a PERSON and the person we worship is fully man and fully God and He never changes. Every thing is this universe is in a constant state of change except the speed of light which never changes and neither does God.


A little cool this morning; just right actually. We still run the A/C at night. Our house will not cool down for some reason. This week has gone by fast and so has the month. Tis the season to be thankful and I am. I hope you have a great day.

Everything went good for the Mitchell family yesterday in Houston: thank you for the prayers. This is Kathyrn, Brent and Melanie’s daughter. She donated the white blood cells.


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