The Power of Love


But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

~Romans 5:8, NLT


No man knows how bad he is until he tries very hard to be good.

~C.S. Lewis


Christianity is not Islam. We never use force to persuade someone to follow Christ. Billy Graham visited a museum that displayed tools used by the catholic church to torture heretics, but hopefully, that is history. I wish that all America knew Christ personally, but I also know, it would be a violation of God’s will to use force, even if force was possible. Jesus never held a political office. He never sought one. He didn’t have any money. How could a poor Jewish carpenter change the world since He had no earthly authority and no wealth? Its a good question! I believe He did it by the power of His love. Is there power in love? I think there must be. There is something about His life and love that draws me to Him. It is a transforming love. Slowly but surely, He is changing all my ways.

No political party in history, whigs, democrats or republicans have ever reached out to the outcast of society. They have been viewed as the left views us, as deplorable garbage. Trump appealed to them. Christians may have helped elect him but we did not do it by ourselves. Many of the folks who voted for Trump are not Christians in profession or practice. Trump didn’t use force; he simply convinced them that he cared about their plight. NOW CHURCH, it is our time to step to the plate and display the love of Christ. The battle is not over; the task is not finished; we must be bolder in our faith and share Jesus with a lost world. No one on the planet is more guilty than I am. I think I will get June to order me a shirt with the gospel on it; something to get the conversation started. I am bad to talk about everything except Jesus.

Romans 2:4, Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that His kindness is intended to turn you from your sin? God has been good to us folks; may it lead to our repentance.

I was thinking the other day about one of my liberal friends: trust me, I don’t have many, and I can not remember them confessing a single sin to me, ever. We all sin folks, no one is so good that they never sin or have a need for confession. It amazes me, they see my sins and Trumps sins, but they do not see their own.


A little cooler this morning but not bad. Our rye grass is coming up and I am sure the cooler temps will help our green fields {Turnips, Collards and Mustard}. Still rejoicing over last week and the service Sunday morning and the crowd Sunday night. Wouldn’t it be something if all our church buildings were filled on Sunday mornings.

I hope you have a great day. Thank you so much for reading the blog.

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