The message about the cross doesn’t make sense to lost people. But for those of us who are being saved, it is the power of God.
~I Corinthians 1:18, CEV
“God sets the terms of salvation. Position cannot save you, wealth cannot save you, neither self-righteousness nor wisdom – only Jesus.”
~Herschel H. Hobbs
I like the CEV and in I Corinthians 1:18 it is right on the money, SALVATION is continuous action. Salvation has three tenses: Past, Present and Future. I have been saved–this speaks of my regeneration, my spiritual birth which is an event in time. But I am being saved presently–this refers to my SANCTIFICATION and it is a process whereby we decrease and He increases. Someday in the future I will be saved ultimately from sin, decay, the flesh and all that is not like Christ. I have been saved from the penalty of sin which is hell. I am being saved from the power of sin which is the dominance of the flesh and I will be saved from the presence of sin when Jesus return or takes me home. All three aspects of our salvation is secured by grace–from spiritual birth to glorification, it is all grace.
What’s neat is that we can see God’s grace at work in our lives as He whittles away at the flesh and destroys all our idols. Currently, I am reading Psalm 119 a stanza at a time. Twenty years ago, when I read Psalm 119, I didn’t enjoy it and even had doubts about David’s sincerity but now, it is totally different. David said in Psalm 119, “LORD, I treasure your word more than anything else…then he says…Open my mind and letme discover the wonders of your law [word]…Your laws are my greatest joy….Make me want to obey You…I have found freedom in obeying Your word…I love and respect Your word. Charles Spurgeon said, “Look into any of David’s Psalms and you will see yourself. You never get into a corner, but you find David in that corner. You never get so low that you can’t find David lower and you never get so high that you can’t find him above you.” I concur, David’s Psalms are like a mirror to my soul. I can now relate to everything David said in Psalm 119 whereas 25 years ago I could not; so how do I explain this transformation? Jesus did it all by grace. I would like to take credit for at least a small part but the truth is–HE DID IT ALL and I am amazed.
I am going to be honest: I never dreamed there would ever come a day when I would rather ready and study the bible as to watch football. I can promise, it was all God’s doing. So in a sense, I more saved today than I was 25 years ago. Hey, He aint through with me yet: He is still destroying idols and changing my attitudes. One of these days, I might resemble Jesus.