Watch Out For The Flesh


For we are the true circumcision {believers}, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh.

~Philippians 3:3, NASB {1995}


The flesh is very strong when it comes to doing it’s will but it is impotent to do God’s will.

You have probably heard me say more than once, the flesh bats 1.000 when it comes to missing God’s will, it fails every time. I am reading the Williams Translation of the NT and it makes Christ’s words sound more emphatic. Example: John 13, the last two verses…Peter…“LORD, why can’t I go with You right now? I will lay down my life for You.” Jesus response: “You will lay down your life for me! {But} I most solemnly say to you, before the cock crows, you will three times disown Me!” Jesus saw the future clearly, ultimately Peter would die a martyrs death but before that would happen, he would deny that he even knew Jesus. Peter had good intentions, but he had no idea that he was getting into a spiritual battle and they cannot be won by the power of the flesh. Peter never intended to deny the LORD; matter of fact, he didn’t dream he could so such a cowardly thing, but he did and it happened before he had time to think.

This is the way the flesh operates. It is sneaky. You get no warning; no time to prepare mentally. Peter trusted his flesh and he would learn, as do we all, that it cannot be trusted. I am not being critical of Peter; at least he learned from his experience and became a bold witness for Christ. The mistake he made once, I have made for more than once. I am telling you by experience, you cannot trust the flesh. I sat on that front row many times chomping at the bits, couldn’t wait for the singing to end because I have a message and I am confident that I am about to knock one out of the park. I ascend to the pulpit and strike out. I miss every pitch. I don’t even get a foul tip. I just telling you: don’t trust the flesh. The flesh pretends to serving God but it always wants the glory. Every time we get our feeling hurt from lack of praise it is because we are in the flesh.


God is good, what shall I say! His mercy never ends and His grace is absolutely amazing. His word is wonderful and His only begotten is full of love and truth. We live in a sin cursed world but we serve a holy and righteous God. Jesus is going to return someday and fix this broken world. It could be today.

I am going to deviate from my normal Monday routine. I have a burden to visit some folks who are old and alone. Some of them have had a rough time lately. Continue to pray for the sick. Trust me, I am not trying to pray any of them out of heaven: I am praying for grace between here and there. Jesus told His disciples, “While you have light keep walking, when the night comes, no man can work.” You and I will not always be able to visit the sick and lonely; we have to do it now while we are able. Encourage some lonely soul today. If you think hard enough, I bet you know one.

Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.


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