The Hour Of Darkness

Scripture While I was with you daily in the temple, you did not stretch out your hands against Me, but this hour and the authority of darkness are yours. ~Luke 22:53, LSB Quote We are reminded daily of the reality of evil and the presence of sin in this world and our only hope of…

Jesus In The Scriptures

Scripture Jesus explained to them what was said about Himself in all the Scriptures. He began with Moses and all the Prophets. Luke 24:27, NIrV Quote Our bible study has no significance if in our study we do not see Jesus. Seeing Jesus brings scripture to life. ~David Bennett We had a great discussion in…

Passover And The Sabbaths

Scripture “On the fourteenth day of the first month, you must celebrate the LORD ’s Passover. On the following day—the fifteenth day of the month—a joyous, seven-day festival will begin, but no bread made with yeast may be eaten. ~Numbers 28:15-16, NLT Quote Our hope is not in our goodness, our ability or our strength. Our…