

Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. If anyone thinks that he has known anything, he has not yet known as he ought to know.

~1 Corinthians 8:1-2, LSB


The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.


The one thing I know is that I don’t know much: my ignorance overwhelms me. It is my one infinite attribute: there is no limit to my ignorance. Theology is the study of God and it is both rewarding and dangerous. Paul warned the Corinthians that knowledge for knowledge sake causes conceit and excessive pride. This explains why preachers are prone to be arrogant. The one thing we must keep in mind every minute of everyday is that our ultimate goal is to be humble and meek like Jesus. If we pursue theological knowledge for our own sake, it is bound to end poorly. J.I. Packer says, “Theological study contains the greatest subject matter and can be intoxicating.” If we are not careful, we will get full of our selves and have a condescending attitude toward those who do not have the time or the same hunger for theological study.

Packer says there are five basic truths you need to be familiar with:

  1. God has revealed Himself in His word the Bible.
  2. God is sovereign over all creation.
  3. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. Jesus is God’s only begotten sent to be our Savior.
  4. God is triune: God the Father purposing redemption, Jesus the Son securing redemption and the Holy Spirit applying it, or as one theologican said, “Working the ground of the cross.”
  5. Christianity is responding to God’s revelation in Christ in humility, repentance and faith.

Make no mistake about it; there is an infinite gap between God and man. God has a set of qualities or attributes that we do not share. God is infinite, self-existent, immutable, holy, omniscience, and omnipotent. He is also just, faithful, merciful, patient, compassionate, gracious and He abounds in lovingkindness and truth. When I think about God; His perfection or holiness comes to mind first. I do not know if this is common or peculiar. Just to meditate on His holiness is humbling to me. I have many doubts and fears but there is one thing I never doubt and that is “I know I am a sinner.” Since it is impossible for a human to convict himself of sin; I praise God for convicting me. The purely human response to sin is to make and excuse or to justify it. Unfortunately, the lost world does not know nor confess their sin. John Flavel said, “Only a soul is Christ would be troubled by offending Him.” “Our sinfulness becomes far more sinful after we become followers of Christ,” says Dana Ortlund. I think he is right: the purer the heart, the more we are appalled and horrified with our sin. My pastor and mentor, Calvin C. Inman said repeatedly: “I don’t worry about those who constantly walk the isle seeking assurance due to doubt, I worry about those who never have a doubt.” I share his concern. Something is not right when a man never confesses sin.


I don’t know when this will be posted but I wrote it on Mylee’s birthday, June 29. I had just finished chapter one of Packer’s classic KNOWING GOD. I finished Ortlunds GENTLE AND LOWLY yesterday {June 28} and reviewed it again last night. It starts slow but it is a great read. You have to get into the middle of the book for it to take hold.

Talk about the sin or imperfection, June came into my office on Saturday broken hearted, her two potato vines had died. It took me a minute to figure out what I had done. The bugs were destroying them so I sprayed, but with the wrong spray. I was spraying Roundup and did not know it. I planted them for her and had been watering them daily. Just another example of our inability to be perfect. I did not do this intentionally but it is still a mistake and it is on me.

I know most of us got no rain. The corn between here and Danville looks good in spots but there are some spots they are beyond redemption. I doubt our little patch coutd be saved with a 3 inch rain today. The first week in June, the garden was a mud whole but these past four weeks with heat and do rain took its toll. I am having doubts about gardening. Between the drought and the coons, it does not seem to be worth it. I can stop at the 4-way and buy produce much cheaper than I can raise it. I am not much of a farmer. Here lately I am been thanking God that we do have gifted farmers but I am not one of them.

Have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.

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