God has given us two basic revelations: one natural and one supernatural. David was an outdoors man. He spent the early part of his life as a shepherd and so he was very accustomed to sleeping under a canopy of stars. He saw sunrise and sunset daily and he marveled at God’s creative genius and power. The existence of creation implies the existence of a creator. This is my basic argument when I witness to atheist. I was speaking to one such person several years ago and their happened to be a beautiful vegetable garden outside his window. I pointed to the garden and said, “Do you believe that garden has a gardener or did it just pop out of the ground? He said nothing and I can’t stand silence so I ask, You see the order of the rows with one vegetable here and another over there: did someone plan that or did it happen randomly?” He wouldn’t answer. If he had said, “It just happen,” he would have been acknowledging that he was a fool, so he said nothing. Creation gives a sound witness to the existence of God but it says more: the order we observe in creation speaks of God’s foreknowledge and faithfulness. Day after day and night after night the sun rises and sets. The complexity of creation speaks of God’s wisdom, His infinite intellect. He is a Creator who knows everything. The vastness and the mass of creation speaks of God’s power and it is there day after day for everyone to see. The history of the universe speak of His eternal nature.
David said, God’s creation speaks but without words or sound.” How could anyone communicate anything in a wordless book? Glad you ask because there is a simple answer–A picture book! One picture can speak a thousand words and pictures are not restricted by language or culture. Pictures have universal appeal. If I am not mistaken, most primitive languages began with pictures. But despite this universal message that is written across the shy for all to see day in and day out, most people reject or ignore the God of creation [Rom. 1:18-23] because they want to live as they please. This is the essence of sin. We want to think of sin and wickedness as being murder, rape, incest and crimes against other people but the essence of sin is found in Isaiah 53:6– All of us like sheep have gone astray,
Each of us has turned to his own way; But the LORD has caused the iniquity of us all To fall on Him [Jesus]. We are all bound and determined to do things our way. Why do you think we have trouble in Baptist churches: because we all want our way.
The second revelation is God’s word and it comes in two forms: [1] The written and the [2] Living. Lord willing we will discuss this tomorrow.
- June and I drove to Cherokee last night, an old friend was promoted. He had a lot of friends, we got there 30 minutes early and still stood in line for an hour. On the way back I stopped at McDonalds and got a double cheese burger with fries: after weigh in tonight, no more burgers or fries. I am depressed already.
- My oldest sister June Daphney took a hard fall a couple of weeks ago and what we thought was minor has turned out not to be so minor. She has three fractures and they are doing surgery today in Athens. Lord willing I will go up for the surgery.
Not that it is important but if you are an Alabama fan, you have to feel blessed. You can count the college QB’s on one hand who can throw that last pass and we are just fortunate to have one of them. We probably should not have won the game. Georgia and Jake Fromm played their hearts out. I consider it grace on my part and hard work on Saban and the team but we all know it could have went either way. Next to Jesus, who is always first and then Trump, Saban is the most hated person in America. ESPN
had a bash Saban day. I don’t know that he is the best but he is the most intense and I doubt if anyone outworks him. He is not given to tact, especially with the media but down deep I think he loves people and really want to help the boys he coaches and I think they know it. Personally, to this point, I am pleased with Trump and Saban. Of course I am very pleased with Jesus–there is no chance He will let us down. Remember, we pray for our President and Pastor every day.
Amen Brother Jack, amen.