Amazing Grace


For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift.

~ Ephesians 2:8 (CSB)


I know two things: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.

~John Newton

Wade mentions in Sunday nights sermon that the passage in 2 Timothy 4 grabbed him in a way it had not done before. One of the first things I do on Sunday morning is go get the donuts and biscuits for DBC and I always listen to praise and worship. Amazing Grace was one of the first songs that came up and the very first line grabbed me, “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.” The word ‘wretch’ grabbed me and I began to pray, “Lord, the word wretch is not stronger enough, there is bound to be a stronger word.” Yesterday I got on line and looked at a thesaurus. I found a list of words that could be used: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a rascal like me. Other synonyms were beggar, bum, dog, ingrate, liar, lowlife, outcast, pauper, reprobate, rogue, scoundrel, scum, worm and loser. As I continued to pray, I said, “LORD, amazing does not do your grace justice either: is there a better adjective?” Again, I looked at the thesaurus and founds some words that could be used other than amazing. The first thing I noticed was; there are not as many synonyms for ‘Amazing’ as there are for ‘wretch’. I did find a few: Awesome, fascinating, incredible, marvelous, prodigious, stunning, unbelievable and wonderful. You know what is amazing: God’s grace is all of these and more. I will say this, I am absolutely overwhelmed by God’s grace and thankful to be a recipient.

A couple of things came to mind while I was composing the blog. Years ago, when Haley Rae was child, David was picking at her while taking up the offering. I don’t know what David said to her, but I heard what Haley Rae said to him, she looked up at David with they angry eyes and said, “Loser.” David had no rebuttal: he just laughed and kept moving. Haley Rae hit the nail on the head. But David is not the only loser and he is not the only one who is depraved. We are all losers and we are all totally depraved. David is just more honest than most. I would bet my last dollar that David is a better man than myself. As we grow in grace, we grow in our appreciation of the LORD’s holiness and perfection but we also grow in our sense of depravity and wretchedness. Was John Newton more wretched than I? Personally, I find that hard to believe. Yes he was a cruel slave trader in his younger days but his sins were public and could not be hidden. My sins are cloaked by church attendance and good deeds. I don’t know myself as well as the LORD does but I know I need grace just as much as John Newton. Some people feel holy, I feel wretched. Perhaps, there is something wrong with me, or perhaps those who feel holy are blinded by pride. One thing is certain: God knows!

  • Be sure you vote today and I encourage you to vote Republican. Be sure to vote yes on amendment two: it is pro-life. I’ve been told by others to vote yes on the first four amendments but you may want to get a second opinion. I am very concerned or worried about the outcome. The rich Jews have poured billions into this election. Today’s election is critical in my opinion. I will be glad when it’s over. I hate political ads. To be honest, I despise all political ads, not just the democrats who this time did not declare their party. If I were ashamed to confess my party affiliation, I don’t think I would run. It is all a part of the democratic scheme to get control of the house and senate.
  • Great day yesterday but when I was doing the blog, bad weather was on the way. I worked hard yesterday to get our Green House up and I hope it doesn’t get blown away the first day.

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