Be Ready


“Be dressed for action and have your lamps lit; be like those who are waiting for their master to return from the wedding banquet, so that they may open the door for him as soon as he comes and knocks.”
~Luke 12:35-36, NRSV


Prepare and prevent or you’ll repair and repent.


When we get invited to some special event like a wedding, a date and place is posted on the invitation so that we know exactly where and when to arrive. This is not so with the wedding of the LAMB. We have no idea when the Groom is coming or when the ceremony will take place. Our instructions are to be ready at any time. Obviously Jesus didn’t intend for us to pack our bags and wait in the driveway. Aaron Wilson of LifeWay suggest three ways we can stay in a state of readiness:

  1. Remain in the word of God
  2. Be actively joined to a local church
  3. Be engaged in missions, ministry and evangelism

Sounds like good advice to me. If we practice these three disciplines, it should keep us alert and awake to the coming of Christ. Even so, come LORD Jesus, come.

Short blog. I spent most of my time in sermon prep. I had a ball last night. I can’t believe Floyd missed another one of my Wednesday night sermons. LORD willing, I will be back in the pulpit Sunday. With Joe David and Mandy gone, I guess I am in charge. I will tell you this, there is no Deacon’s meeting Sunday, not that I know about. We will have Krispi Kremes: I am not sure about biscuits.

Lord willing, Joe David and I will be on the road to Atlanta this morning. Plan to leave about 7:00 am. I will be stopping in Birmingham on my way back: Vickie Livingston has pneumonia. Pray for Joe David and Vickie. Joe David will be traveling today and tomorrow. Actually, he does not reach his destination until Saturday.

Speaking for June and myself, we do appreciate all the prayers. I do ask that you pray for him each day as he is on this fact finding trip. I know that is selfish on my part but we really do appreciate it your prayer support.

Yesterday was a tough day for Lisa Turrentine as she saw her daughter and grands depart for the mission field. June showed me the video of the children in the airport: it was touching.

Don’t forget about Jessica Hogan. She is serving out West this Summer. I think Arizona.

The left is justifying the shooting of the Republicans yesterday. They are saying, “It is what you deserve, you gave them the guns.” I would left to inform these mindless dupes that criminals do not use registered guns. What part of that sentence does a left wing radical not understand. Could someone inform these idiots that gun control does not deter criminals from getting guns. Gun control only works with those who go by the laws.

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