People who have an easy life look down on those who have problems. They think trouble comes only to those whose feet are slipping.
~Job 12:5, NIrV
Be an encourager, the world has enough critics.
~Dave Willis
When we face trouble, we need friends to stand with us but Jobs friends were not a lot of help. They were self-righteous condescending know-it-alls. Eliphaz told Job, “You are reaping what you have sown…hard times down just pop out of the ground…you sowed some bad seed and now you are reaping what you sowed.” Bildad said…“Your children sinned and that is why God punished them…You [Job] have sinned too but you will not admit it.” Then there is Zophar chimes in…“Job, you are being intellectually dishonest. You must admit that you are in the wrong and seek God’s forgiveness…get rid of the sin in your life.” I love reading the book of Job, somehow it consoles me and it makes me thankful. Compared to Job, I have had an easy life. My wife is not perfect but she has never urged me to commit suicide. My friends are not perfect either but they have a listening ear and understanding heart.
We all make mistakes and we do reap through our children and grandchildren. My children don’t always listen to my advice but I didn’t listen to my parents either. I respected them when they grew old and I appreciated their sacrifices in my behalf but I thought I knew more than they did. Job said, “Old people are wise. Those who live a long time have understanding.” Every time my kids ignore my counsel, I think to myself, “I’m reaping what I sowed.” But when we are our children make tragic mistakes, we don’t need our friends to pile on which is what Job’s friends did. Sin carries its own consequences and they are inescapable. You do not need to worry about justice being served. I have a firm conviction, “Be sure your sins will find you out.” Long story short: I know I have failed. I don’t need others to point out my failures. I do need prayer and lots of it. I need all the help I can get to overcome those sins which so easily trip me up. An understanding friend is better than a condescending one. If I want condemnation, I can always go to the devil.
I do feel sorrow when I think about Job: he got sympathy from no one and yet he never threw in the towel. I thank God for true friends who love unconditionally. I would not have made 38 years without them.
Which winter is this: Locust or Blackberry? I don’t know but it is not bothering me. June asked me if I was worried about my tomatoes and I said, “Why would I worry, they have not grown a lick in a month.” It is not the plants because Jerry’s are growing like crazy. I did something wrong, I just don’t know what it was.
Senior Adult Day this Sunday. Remember no LCBS and the choir is to be filled with Senior Adults and Bro. John wants to set the age at 60. So if you are 60, he is expecting you to be in the choir. We have over 150 signed up for Lunch. After lunch we do AWANA Awards.
LORD willing, June and I will be gone for a quick over night trip. We will be leaving around noon today and get back tomorrow evening late. No, I have not forgotten that I am preaching Sunday Morning. I am excited about the opportunity. I am LORD willing preaching on the MAN OF IRON {Barzillai}.