Hearing Without Understanding


Go to this people and sayYou will keep on hearingbut will not understand.”

~Acts 28:26, LSB


The difference between hearing and listening is paying attention.


When Paul reached Rome he met with the Jews and shared his testimony. Some of them believed Paul and became followers but most of them rejected the gospel. In Paul’s last meeting with them he quotes Isaiah the prophet {Isaiah 6:9-10}. Jesus also quoted this passage in Matthew’s gospel. As I was reading this passage in Acts 28, the hearing part caught my attention. Recently, and for the life of me, I can’t remember exactly where we were, someone was giving me info in a very low tone and I was listening to the best of my ability but I did not understand a thing she said. I was looking at June out of my right eye and she knew that I could not hear this woman. It’s getting to be embarrassing.  I am tempted to stay in the foyer on Sunday night during the prayer time. It is not because I don’t need prayer or do not feel a need to pray for others but I can’t hear what people are saying and it is frustrating. I am setting on the front row and people are talking in the back and I can understand a word they are saying. I hear the noise but I can’t understand. I am going to have to get a cheap set of hearing aids.

A much greater problem is to be dull of hearing spiritually. Elijah walked outside the cave at Horeb and the earth quaked, rocks fell, and there was a loud noise but God was not in the noise. Then Elijah felt a refreshing breeze and he heard a gentle whisper. It was God giving him instructions. I am not as concerned about the noise as I am the whisper. When God speaks, I want to hear. The older I get the duller my physical hearing becomes but I am praying that the opposite will be true of my spiritual hearing. Father help me hear and understand. I know one thing; when HE speaks the sound of HIS voice is so sweet the birds hush singing.


Well today is day one of a four day heat wave. My app says 99 today and June’s says 97; either one is hot. We had close to a 100 last night for mid-week worship but 84 of them were youth. To be honest, I am not sure we had 16 adults. I know we had 15 so I guess our total was 99 which is not bad for a little country church. June and I plan to check on Willowdean Sandlin this morning.  I saw Granny T. and Mrs. Leona yesterday: both doing well. I hope you stay cool today and thanks for reading the blog.

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