Heaven Celebrating


I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.

Luke 15:10, ESV


Every act of grace sets heaven to rejoicing.

~Calvin Miller

We humans celebrate a lot of things but the question is: do we celebrate the right things. I don’t really think heaven is all that interested in who wins the football game, the Talladega 500, the Masters or the Kentucky Derby. I could be wrong about sports but Jesus said that heaven celebrates the repentance of a person, even one person. In other words, the day or night when you were saved, heaven broke into a party. I don’t know about you but I think this is amazing. I have a good family and I am never shocked when they want to celebrate my birthday or something of that nature, but we are talking about heaven celebrating my spiritual birth. It makes me want to quote our great grand son Jackson. He opened the refrigerator the other day, held the door open as he gazed at the contents and then he said one word…WOW! When I think of heaven celebrating my repentance, I think WOW! Think about it; heaven was moved with your repentance.


I was getting worried last night because at 5:30, we didn’t have enough people to eat the fish and hushpuppies but they came rolling in and by 6:00 we had a crowd. We had plenty to eat but I don’t think there was any waste. I came home before clean up because I was tired a battling a sore throat. I can barely whisper today and I have a COLS Saturday, communion Sunday morning and message Sunday night. I am praying for a miraculous recovery. May the LORD’s will be done.

Have a great Thursday and thanks for reading the blog.



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