The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.
~Psalm 51:17, LSB
If a broken heart is all you have; offer it to God. He will not despise it!
~Elisebeth Elliot
Elisebeth Elliott, the wife of martyred missionary Jim Elliot, was married four times. Don’t jump to conclusions: she was never in a divorce. In each case, God took her husband and left her. If you will take the time to listen to her teach, I think you will know why. She spent more time alone {single} than she did married because all of her marriages were brief. After one of her conferences, a lady came up and asks her, “How did you handle all the loneliness?” Elisebeth said, “I didn’t! I couldn’t handle it so I gave it back to God.” Elisebeth’s formula, her practice was to accept that everything was from God. She believed that God either sent it or He allowed but ether way, it was from God. Her practice was to {1]} Accept it {Just as Paul accepted his thorn in the flesh}, {2} to give God thanks and {3} offer it back to God as a sacrifice. Corrie Tin Boom did the same thing: she visualized her suffering and pain as a ‘rose’ and then she offered the rose to God as a gesture of her love for Him. Most of us spend too much time worrying about how little we have to give. Our meager resources is not the problem or the issue. The widow of Zarapath had only a hand full of flower; the lad had only a little lunch, five barley loaves and two fish. What is that among so many? How can you feed a multitude with a lad’s lunch? It’s easy, convince the lad to give his lunch to Jesus. I do not think the disciples extorted the little fellows lunch. I think Jesus would have crawled their case if they had done such a thing. I believe he willing sacrificed his little tiny lunch.
It is not how much you have; it is your willingness to give what you have to Jesus. Perhaps you feel that you have less than the lad or the widow. I believe it is possible. You may not have any flower or any lunch but you have something. Do you have any failure? Do you have any sin? Do you have any pain? Do you have any sorrow or loneliness? Why are you not giving it to Jesus? Jesus wants our brokenness. Do you honestly think that Jesus is impressed with our worldly wealth or our natural ability? I am here to tell you, he is not impressed with your net worth. He is very disappointed that you do not understand the wealth and talent you claim for your own is actually a gift from His gracious hand and He wants you to reach a place where you gladly give it back. Did Elisebeth Elliot miss her husband Jim after only five short years of marriage? Yes and you need to go to YouTube and listen to her talk about it. Before she remarried, she raised their children alone. She gave her brokenness back to God and He is feeding the multitudes with it. Elisebeth is in heaven but via video and modern technology she is still teaching millions.
Big Mama says I am too hard on Spencer so I owe him an appology. She doesn’t like me picking on him. I guess that explains why all the older women love this kid. They feel sorry for him because people like me stay on him all the time. I promise, I will say nothing else about the hair.
Cooler weather and I love it. Psalm 145 at the POINT tonight at 6:30. We are having us a PIZZA PARTY at the POINT on Wednesday night, August 30, 6:00 p.m. LORD willing, I will be at DBC Friday for a fish fry and the following Friday at the POINT for our Senior Fellowship.
Have a great day!