Jesus And Facebook


A servant girl noticed him in the firelight and began staring at him. Finally she said, “This man was one of Jesus’ followers!”

~Luke 22:56, NLT


Everyone is a follower; either of Christ or the world.


A status symbol of our current age is how many followers one has on Facebook or Twitter. I noticed last week that I have two followers on Twitter: TLC and David Wood. Lexi can post a picture and get 150 likes in a few seconds. I posted a picture last week on twitter and got 2 likes, Tracey and David. Having followers is a big deal these day but the greater question is: “Who are we following?” Jesus has a Facebook page, it is called the bible and we should be following HIM daily. Every where you go, you see folks pulling out their cell phones, texting, sending emails or checking social media. It is amazing how many hours we spend on our smart phones which are mini-computers. I probably spend less than 30 minutes a day on mine and that includes calls but I see folks on cell phones every where I go: at offices, stores, restaurants even in their cars while driving. I saw a sign just this week that read: STAY ALIVE, DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE. I have a sister who is 82: June and I took her out to eat last night and she got her phone two or three times. 

I want to encourage you to FOLLOW JESUS. Spend some time daily in His word. He will become your BFF and He will never defriend you. By the way, He loves you more than anyone else and He can keep all your secrets.

This Day in 2000

I attended the COLS for Mrs. Croley of Sardis Springs. I think her first name was Hattie but I am no sure. She had 13 children and all were in attendance at her service. I can only think of one who has passed since. I saw one of her daughters at Sardis Springs last night.

There is something about the Winter Bible Study. We have bad weather every year. Two years ago, we had to cancel the last service due to snow and ice. Yesterday we had the threat of Thunder Storms and Tornadoes but thank God, we were spared and were able to finish our Bible Study. I had the time of my life last night: thank you Jesus. I didn’t even use my notes. I want to thank Bro. Tim and Sardis Springs for putting up with me. PTL, He answers prayer. I prayed for a place to preach this Sunday and I got a call last night. I will be going to Central Baptist in the West Cullman Association this Sunday. Jason got me the opt. He said he would do anything to get me out of the choir. Do you reckon David paid him.

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