Do not rob the poor because he is poor, and do not crush the afflicted at the gate; For Yahweh will plead their case and rob the soul of those who rob them.
~Proverbs 22:22-23, LSB
What is your profit margin, if you gain the whole world but lose your soul in the process?
If you read the two verses above, you are bound to think as I did, that you’ve never seen these two verses in the Bible before. That is because the LSB came out in 2020 and it is the only version that translates Proverbs 22:22-23 like this. The NKJV is the only other version that gives us the hint that the soul is in danger whenever we take advantage of others. Most versions translate neh’-fesh as life but it is also the Hebrew word for soul. We are much more afraid of losing our soul than our life, and rightly so. If I lose this life, I have another awaiting me in glory but if I lose my soul, I am doomed. Jesus said, “Is anything worth more than your soul?” Two things motivate the Sadducees {elite, rich and powerful}: money and power. They firmly believe that money means power and they are not wrong. Money talks. If you had enough money, you could buy some congressmen, some judges and a tin pan dictator or two. How did the Sadducees {elite rich Jews} get their money? By taking advantage of the poor and helpless. Folks, all you have to do to find the evidence is read the NT or the book of Nehemiah. George Soros made his billions by taking advantage of helpless people. The cunning power brokers scheme up ways to take advantage of others. Then they turn around and extort those they have robbed. First the rob and then they rule but it comes with a price–their own soul.
America is not being run by Congress; it is being run by those who own congressmen. Mega corporations, giant pharmaceutical companies and rich Jews run America. Obviously this is not God’s way and it makes life difficult for the poor {all those who are not fifty rich}. Who pays the taxes, who polices the streets, who fights the wars that have preserved our freedom? It is not the rich elites. The Sadducees are not the givers or protectors of freedom, they are the takers. What price will they pay? They traded their souls for wealth and power. Proverbs 24:20, For there is no future for the evil man;The lamp of the wicked will be put out. Matter of fact, Solomon says this twice in proverbs: you will find it in Proverbs 13:9. In Job’s deep depression he did question the LORD, “How often is the lamp of the wicked put out, or does their disaster fall on them?” I am like Job, it seems that the wicked get by with murder but we must take into consideration, they have lost their soul in the process and they have no future. You and I do have a future and a hope.
Mrs. Willowdean Sandlin may be a tad better but in no way is she out of the woods. She is still not eating and she does not feel good. She has no taste for anything. Eating is the greatest pleasure in life for we old folks. If it is not number one, it is in the top ten. I had cornbread and milk for supper last night and I am drinking a Diet Pepsi as I write. I can tell you how excited I get when June bakes a pan of cornbread. Mrs. Edith is back at the cottages and praising them for their delicious food. She cannot say enough about the quality of their menu. Seriously, she is doing well. Lord willing, we will see Mrs. Leona and Granny Turrentine today.
I hope you had a great 4th. I watched a couple of war movies, and made a few visits. It was a quiet day for us and I am OK with quiet. We did hear fireworks last night and a siren or two. I hope you have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.