Give your burdens to the Lord. He will carry them. He will not permit the godly to slip or fall.
~Psalm 55:22, TLB
It takes time for a broken heart to heal, but Jesus can do it if we give Him all the pieces.
Warren W. Wiersbe
What do we say in the face of tragedy? I can tell you in two words–very little. Some friends and I were discussing this the other day. He said I heard a woman say to a person who had suffered a tragic loss, “God never puts more on you than you can handle.” He and I both laughed as we said almost in unison, “He puts more than I can handle on me practically everyday.” If we could handle things ourselves, we wouldn’t need Him. Where do people come up with this stuff? There have been times when I wanted to tap people on the shoulder and say, “Stop talking, you are not helping.” Understand folks, words will not fix the problem. It is not that simple. The more you speak, the more apt you are to make the problem worse. We certainly need to show up but then we must love and listen. Pious platitude are not appropriate. A person is shock will remember that you were there but very few will remember anything you said. Trust me, it is not a teaching moment.
There are a lot of things I cannot figure out. Why didn’t Jesus rescue John the Baptist? Jesus was just a few miles away. I know that Jesus had the power, yet he did not go to John’s rescue, He simply sent word that the scriptures were being fulfilled and that John’s preaching had been on target. One comfort to me is that John’s death was in an instant whereas Jesus suffered for six excruciating hours. Isaiah said in chapter forty-five, Truly, O God of Israel, Savior, You work in strange, mysterious ways. As Jack Taylor was fond of saying, “If you could put God in our little box of brains, He would not be big enough to worship.” If you meet someone with all the answers, don’t pay any attention to them. God does work in mysterious ways His wonders to perform; He sets His foot upon the sea and rides upon the storm. When we go as far as reason will take us, we keep going by faith. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world.
I hope you have a great day and thanks for reading the blog.