Old Trees Bear Fresh Fruit


The righteous flourish like a tree…they will bear fruit in old age.

~Psalm 92:12-14


Age brings a harvest which all men must reap: the fruit will determine if it is bitter or sweet.

~Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

When Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was well along in years and every hair of his head was white as snow, a young admirer asks him how he kept his youthful enthusiasm and bountiful energy. Longfellow pointed to an apple tree in his back yard. “I planted that tree when I was a child and it is still bearing delicious fruit. I have pruned the dead branches over the years and it responds by putting on new wood. On this new growth is where you find the blossoms and eventually the fruit. I try to be like this apple tree, grow a little new wood every year.” I think he gave a brilliant but very simple answer and I for one am thankful that old trees can bear fresh fruit. It’s not over until JESUS says, “It’s over.”

Short and sweet and to the point; Oh that my sermons would be likewise. My neighbor and Landlord George Ray Edwards is in Parkway Medical Center but will be going to Summerford’s for 21 days of rehab. Since our ROCKYFORD block party last year: Mr. Vest was promoted and Ray and Clyde Gillot have gone down health wise which is the main reason we didn’t have one this year. Ray doesn’t read anymore and he sleeps a lot.

Well, some of us needed the rain. I do feel for the farmers who have crops in the field but the rain has helped here at 1120 Iron Man. Our rye grass is shinning and our turnips are the best we have ever had.

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