“And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
~John 8:32, NLT
“We are forcing the NRA into financial jepardy and we will not stop until we have shut them down.”
~Andrew Cuomo {Governor of NY}
Why would the governor of the state of New York declare war on the National Rifle Association? The answer to this question is that Cuomo and his democratic comrades are radically opposed to gun ownership. Our nations birth stemmed from second amendment rights and now the democrats want to confiscate all guns. If the democrats were pro-military or law enforcement; that would be some encouragement but they are niether. These liberals want all the guns except those that belong to their personal bodyguards. If Cuomo doesn’t have them, he needs to get them. The NRA is a professional and veteran lobby group for gun rights and they are very vocal. The left wants to silence their voice because they have a bad habit of telling the truth. It is hard to believe, but the progressives are willing to destroy first amendment rights in order to get to the second. Thus this new thing called POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. As Ben Carson so aptly stated in the last election: “Political correctless limits the debate and the exchange of opposing ideas.”
The left does not want to hear anything that is contrary to their socialist and secular humanist ideology. The whole thing about the separation of church and state that arose in the 1970’s was their subtle way of telling those of us in the church to keep our political views to ourself. CHRISTIANITY does not belong in the market place but SECULAR HUMANISM does: you tell what part of that is fair or constitutional. Secular Humanism is a religion and their Genesis 1:1 is the idiotic theory of evolution. I’m sorry but if you believe in evolution, you may be the missing link. Political correctness is the dictionary printed by the left: it tells us what we can say and not say. We should say JESUS SAVES, the bible is inspired, unborn babies have a right to life, all men are not equal, nor were they created equal. Read the story about the talents…God doesn’t give the same gifts to everyone but He does expect more from those who are highly gifted. Michael Jordan and I are not equal: I am vastly inferior to him in many ways. Hey, I can live with that because it is the truth. Passing a kid who can’t make the grade is not going to fix things; nor will giving money to a man who will not work. You don’t make everyone the same height by cutting off the legs of the giants.
Unborn babies are very human and killing them is murder but libs don’t want to hear it. Oh no, they are PRO-CHOICE, who’s choice? They are PRO-DEATH but they don’t want to hear the truth. What are they going to do; destroy every bible and martyr every true prophet? They don’t like Romans 1 or Psalm 139 but I have news for them: the WORD OF GOD IS GOING TO STAND…FOREVER.
Big Mama and I have really enjoyed our two day excursion: today will be a travel day. Don’t plan on coming to Dollywood on Monday and Tuesday. Most of the time they are not open on Tuesday and all their good shows are closed on Monday. Instead of coming Sunday after church, we will have to come Wednesday night after church.
Some friends recommended the ECONO LODGE by the river and we are very pleased. We are on the strip and there is a river walk out back. I highly recommend it. We came Interstate and then cut through on 321 and came in through Wears Valley but Big Mama don’t like the curves. I don’t like going through Knoxville or Chattanogga. Chattanogga is horrible [traffice wise]. I am going to by-pass it going back, LORD willing.