Principles To Live By


As followers of the LORD, I order you to stop living like stupid, godless people.

~Ephesians 4:17, CEV


To fall in love with Jesus is the greatest of all romances; To follow Him is the greatest of all adventures; To please Him is the greatest of all rewards.


Ephesians is a theological masterpiece. The first three chapter deal with where we are in term of our position: we are IN CHRIST and as such we are holy and accepted in the Beloved. We are sealed for the day of redemption. We have Christ stamp on us and are waiting to be transported to heaven. Chapters 4-6 are practical theology. In chapter four Paul gives us a list of things that GRIEVE the HOLY SPIRIT. The list begins with LYING but goes on to uncontrolled anger, compromising with the devil, stealing, laziness, filthy talk, bitterness, envy and being unkind to others.

In chapter five, we have another list and I love the wording of the CEV. This list is things to do or not to do as children of the light. Number one is stay away from fools. Two is work on your integrity: be honest, truthful and good. Three is don’t waste time of trivial pursuits–worthless stuff. I love number four: Act like people with good sense and not like a fool. Five is just as good: Don’t be stupid. Six is great: Find out what the LORD wants you to do and do it. Seven is super great: Don’t fill up on booze–get filled with Jesus. The booze will destroy you: Jesus will save you. Eight is to meet regularly with the church and when you do, sing with all your heart. The last is: Honor Christ by putting others first. It is a challenging list, don’t you think.

No extra: exhausted, to tired to think.

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