I forgive whatever needs to be forgiven…so that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are familiar with his evil schemes.
~2 Corinthians 2:10-11. NLT
Study the scriptures: in them alone will we get the insight we need to withstand the evil one.
~Martyn Lloyd Jones
The NKJV translated noēma {schemes} ‘devices’. It is also translated designs. The Passion translation reads clever schemes. A device can be a tool or a concept. We usually associate evil with the word scheme. If someone is scheming, they are up to no good. Understand this, the devil is a schemer and one of his greatest devices is discouragement. The devil belittles. He accuses and nothing could please him more than to get us so down on ourselves that we throw in the towel. Kizombo was a native who was setting by a campfire contemplating his life and purpose. He thought to himself, “What have I accomplished thus far?” Immediately he heard a voice say, “Not much!” Where did this voice come from? It could have been reason but it does sound a lot like the devil. Do you think Moses heard similar voices when God told him He was sending him back to Egypt? The devil uses our past against us. He is Johnny on the spot when it comes to reminding us of all our failures and blunders. We listen to him and we become amazed at our unutterable folly, but he doesn’t stop with reminding us of our failure; he also reminds us that we keep making the same mistakes over and over. “There is no use in you trying,” he says, “You are never going to get it right. You are a hopeless case.”
There is not much good I can say about the devil but he is relentless. He is determined to trip us up one way or the other. So what are we to do? Should we give up so that he will leave us alone? One thing is certain, we have to be honest. We are inadequate for any assignment no matter how small. We must depend on Christ and we must stay in the word. There can be no victory over Satan a part from the daily ingestion of God’s word. Without Jesus and the Word, we don’t have a prayer.
So my first word to you is don’t give up. Satan will not stop this bombardment. The fiery darts will keep coming. He will continue to cast doubt on everything God says and everything God stands for. His fiery darts are laced with doubt and fear. He loves to disturb our peace. He is a fear pedaler. He enjoys undermining our confidence. We can’t listen to him, he is a liar and his goal is our destruction. Remember, it was Satan who talked Judas into betraying Jesus. When Judas realized he had made a horrible mistake he confessed to the vile and corrupt priest who were Satan’s servants… “I have sinned,” Judas declared, “for I have betrayed an innocent man.”“What do we care?” they retorted. “That’s your problem.” The devil will do us just like he did Judas. He conned him into doing something evil and then showed him no mercy. The devil shows no compassion. He is a thief, liar and murder. He cannot be trusted. We must be familiar with his evil schemes.
The flash floods they predicted for last night didn’t materialize but we may have some flooding before the day is over. We got one hard rain a few minutes ago but it didn’t last long. You need to read this months IMPRIMIS. It is unbelievable. The academic world has betrayed us. They are lowering or in some chases doing away with test that keep blacks from being doctors. It is frightening. The one thing we don’t need is incompetent doctors. Go on line and read it. One other shocking fact that might encourage you to read it: Biden has redirected federal funds for research {cancer, diabetes, etc} to racial studies that show the disparity between black and whites in fields like medicine and law. I am not kidding. America need a godly leader and there isn’t one in the Democratic Party.
I hope you have a good day. By the way, I love rain so it is a beautiful day to me. Have a good Thursday and thanks for reading the blog.
The updates on Ken Nelson are still good and Margaret Prater may not have to have surgery.