Fear God and Nothing Else

Scripture The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? ~Psalm 27:1, NIV Quote To love God is to destroy all other fear. To love the world is to be afraid of everything. ~Elisebeth Elliot I don’t watch news. This…

The Spiral of Silence

Scripture Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. ~Proverbs 31:8, NLT Quote Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless. ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer As Sir Edmund Burke said, “The only…

Diamonds On The Sidewalk

Scripture But even as he spoke, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings Me great joy. Listen to him.” ~Matthew 17:5, NLT Quote Treasures, like diamonds, are not normally found lying on the surface: we must be willing to dig beneath the…

Don’t Stoop When You Need To Stand

Scripture “But even if He {God} doesn’t {save from you}, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.” ~Daniel 3:18, NLT Quote Courage doesn’t need a crowd, just a conviction. ~Erwin W. Lutzer We are caught in…

The Enemies Curse

Scripture Cut his life short and let someone else have his job. ~Psalms 109:8, CEV Quote The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. ~George Orwell The world a part from Christ believes in the power of the lie. Hitler believed that a lie…


Scripture Our Lord, punish the Edomites! Because the day Jerusalem fell, they shouted, “Completely destroy the city! Tear down every building!” ~Psalm 137:7, CEV Quote Winning and losing are both temporary. Gloating over victory or sulking over a loss puts you at a stand still. ~Chuck Knox It seems that I learn something new everyday: I saw a word in…


Scripture They took the money and did as they were instructed, and this story has been spread among Jewish people to this day. ~Matthew 28:15, CSB Quote Propaganda works best when those being manipulated are confident that they are acting on their own free will. ~Joseph Goebbels I’ve been duped just like everyone else; I…

Successful Living

Scripture  How blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways. ~Psalm 128:1, NASB Quote “If I had to die like an animal and there be no hereafter, I would still choose to be a Christian, for of all lives that can be lived, there is none that can compare with this.”…

The Devil Incarnate

Scripture “Don’t listen to Hezekiah! These are the terms the king of Assyria is offering: Make peace with me—open the gates and come out. Then each of you can continue eating from your own grapevine and fig tree and drinking from your own well.” ~Isaiah 36:16, NIrV Quote “When pride and presumption walk before, shame…