The Age Stage


The glory of young men is their strength, gray hair the splendor of the old.

~Proverbs 20:29, NIV


We live in a culture that idolizes the beauty, energy and creativity of youth.

~Timothy Keller

The Living Bible paraphrases today’s text like this…The glory of young men is their strength; of old men, their experience. Some people dread the process of aging and they do everything possible to stay young. Sometimes it becomes a comedy of indiscretion. Like a couple in their seventies buying a convertible sports car. When we buy a vehicle, one of the key components is how easy it is to get in and out of without hurting yourself. Wigs, toupees, Grecian formula, working out, blow drying your chest hair all have one thing is common: they are futile. Face the facts, you are getting old and there is nothing you can do about it. Why not relax and enjoy the ride. Every life stage has its advantages. Young people have strength and energy that we old folks do not have but we have the advantage on perspective because we have lived longer. It would be great if we could get them all together in the same life stage but that is not humanly possible.

Did I make a lot of mistakes? Yes I did, but I will not bore you with a list. Would I do things differently if I had life to live over? Yes, I would. There are many things that I did not understand until I was 40 years old but even at 40, I had a lot to learn. Yes, in a way, I would like to be 40 with my 71 years of experience but that is not possible. I told one of my old friends just last week that year 70 may have been my best year ever. I realize there is a danger in making such a statement: year 71 may turn out to be my worse. I look at life like a trip, a journey of sorts. June and I went to Guatemala last year. It was her first trip. She is a better missionary than I am but of course, who isn’t. But she is not a good traveler. If there was one direct flight from Danville to a private air strip at the Mission house, she would go four times a year. She may go back when the country opens up but not with me. She got so tired and frustrated last year that we spent an extra $150 to get home two hours earlier. Had you bumped into us at the Atlanta airport and said, “Bro. Jack, there are two first class seats available for Guatemala city if you guys are interested and want to go back.” It would have taken us less than a second to say NO! We are one hour from home and we have no desire to go back. Do you follow me folks, I am closer to home than ever before, I do not want to go back.

Do you want to hear something positive and uplifting…Listen to Hershel Walker…

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