Celebrate Jesus



Our God, You are the One who rides on the clouds, and we praise You. Your name is the LORD and we celebrate [alaz] as we worship You.

~Psalms 68:4, CEV


Keep company with the more cheerful sort of the Godly; there is no mirth [gladness] like the laughter of believers.

~Richard Baxter


bro. jack marc crowI am ashamed to confess it but I was over 50 years old before I read the bible through from cover to cover without stopping. My goal was to read it in a year but I got so enthralled that I finished it in a little over 4 months. I did two things to help myself: [1] I picked an easy to read version which had a readers guide and [2] I had an accountability team [a small group that agreed to read it through in one year]. I cannot tell you the impact it had on my life. Next to committing my life to Christ as a nine year old boy and surrendering to preach a decade later, it was the wisest choice I’ve ever made.

I choose the Contemporary English Version and the CEV translates the Hebrew word `alaz as ‘celebrate’. This word became a part of our Bumper Sticker at DBC…“Celebrate Jesus.” The NASB and ESV translates it ‘exult’ but practically all others translate it ‘rejoice.’ The word literally means to exult, to rejoice, to triumph with sounds of joy, to leap and to dance. This one insight gained from reading a modern version changed my life. I rejoice in worship; I celebrate. I sit on a pew by myself. No one wants to be near me because I kneel at times, I raise my hands at times, I cry, I laugh, I shout, I sing to the top of my voice and I have learned to focus on Christ and tune out distractions.

One of the great things about being old is: “We don’t care what you think!” I wear socks with sandals, get over it. As long as you are conscience of what others think: you will not get into worship and you will not celebrate for fear of what other think. If you have not discovered this truth, this freedom in worship, you are missing one of the greatest experiences of the believer’s life. True worship brings pleasure to God and man.

Let me plant a thought in your mind, just in case David or the choir is reading this blog. There is a great order of worship in Psalms 68:24-26. While the congregation stands at attention, the worship leaders march in from the back, followed by the choir, then the musicians, then young ladies playing tambourines, then a group of shouting praise to the Lord. I promise you that God would love it if we had the enthusiasm to do it. I even have a selection in mind…What a mighty God we serve…the shouting team could shout the two words MIGHTY GOD. I will even volunteer Jesse, John and myself to be the shouting team. Eva can lead the the Tambourine team. I’m excited already!


  • Central Baptist Church is Decatur is having a REUNION for all those who have done Mission Trips with them. This is the construction crew that was lead by Harry Vice. I know many of our Senior adults have participated in this project. The Reunion is Friday night July 22 at CBC, at 6:00 pm. They would like for you to confirm if you are going. Call Jerry Martin at 256-303-0524.
  • Peggy Lindsey’s daughter Becky is in Huntsville Hospital in the Critical Care Unit on 6th floor. She got some pneumonia and she already had COPD. She had a very bad Sunday night but was feeling just a little better last night. Pray for Peggy and family.
  • Joe David visited Joyce yesterday and she is continuing to improve. This time last week, Joyce was in critical condition.
  • We need to pray for our Country: between Obama, Hillary and Black Lives Matter we are in a mess. I think Obama would be pleased if these radical mobs burned down an entire city. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t behind the entire thing. Black Lives Matter would put the Klan in the shade. I have a question, why don’t the lives of black unborn babies matter? What about an answer Obama or the liberals who support him? I’m not worried about a response, they don’t have the integrity or intellect to engage in honest debate.


guns don't kill people

1 thought on “Celebrate Jesus

  1. I had a friend to say he thought that Mrs. Clinton had someone to hire the sniper to take the heat of her, since she was found guilty. If you think about it…I mean no one is talking about her, they are talking about the police officers. Just saying.

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