This certain hope of being saved is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls, connecting us with God Himself behind the sacred curtains of heaven.
~Hebrews 6:19, LNT
“My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.”
~Edward Mote
There are two word pictures in the text: that of the Holy of Holies and that of a ship anchored in a harbor. Although Jesus never entered the Holy of Holies here on earth, He did go behind the veil of the real Temple in heaven. The point is: Jesus has gone before us preparing the way for us to follow. The second word picture is that of a ship anchored in a harbor. The Forerunner was a sailor who was chosen by the captain to take a rope by row boat and tie it securely to something in the inner harbor. Then when the tide was right, the ship could be slowly winched into the harbor in fog, darkness or high wind. Jesus is our FORERUNNER. He is the ONE who has gone before us into heaven but we have a safe and secure connection. It is simply a matter of time until we are sitting beside Him in heavenly places. This truth puts some assurance in our hope.
We must remember, Jesus experience will become our experience. Jesus lived a life of devotion to God and service to others. Then at the cross, He died completely in the flesh; then he arose triumphantly, then He ascended to heaven. We will follow HIM in all the above. At present, we are living for HIM and others moving toward the complete annihilation of the flesh and then we will experience a resurrection and then an ascension. His experience is our experience: He has simply gone before us. Jesus is not just a path to heaven, He is the WAY. He is our transport, the One who will get us there.
- My old Gravely bit the dust and I got a new one on Thursday evening. I waited till mid-day yesterday to begin mowing and it was still wet. I was nice to have a new ride.
- Small world: Bill and Carol Southern are members at Grace Point. I knew Bill looked awfully familiar. I found out last night that he ran the Mr. Catfish restaurant for 18 years. His hush puppy maker gave me her recipe if I can remember it: not likely.
Drunks Will Do Just About Anything