But Jesus asked the children to come to him. “Let the little children come to me,” he said. “Don’t keep them away. God’s kingdom belongs to people like them.”
Luke 18:16, NIRV
“Eat to live, don’t live to eat.”
~Benjamin Franklin
There are many blessed things about children: they are tender hearted, trusting and truthful but one of the blessed things that we often overlook is their high metabolism. Ty is tall and skinny because he is never still. Lori has to encourage him to eat because he had rather play than eat. It’s almost impossible to get him to sit down, relax and eat when there are other children around because he wants to play. This is not the case with Grand Daddy: he wants to eat all the time. June made some mini-red velvet muffins a couple of weeks ago. These are bit size cup cakes with lots of crust and icing. Within a 24 hours, I ate 40. Trust, I had no problem consuming all 40.
I was with a group of adults the other day and they got to using bad language, one of them mentioned “exercise.” I hate exercise. The only forms I do not hate, I am no longer able to do. I loved running and playing basketball but I can no longer do either. The best thing you can do for a sore back in exercise but I despise crunches, leg lifts and push ups. I prefer fork lifts, roll overs and pull ups. Every night, when I get in bed, I do one roll over every hour and I pull up the covers about 4 times a night. Needless to say, this is not enough exercise. I’ve had several folks asked me why I want to work in construction. There are two reasons: its my background, what I’ve always done and it forces me to exercise. Day before yesterday, I put a new bottom in an 18 foot trailer. Have you picked up a pressure treated 16 foot 2×8 lately? They weight 100 pounds easily.
The same person who mentioned exercise used the word “Gym,” and I told him, “Don’t use that word around me.” Would a proper work out at a gym be better for an old man than lifting lumber? Yes, probably so but I cannot get motivated to go to a gym. I am motivated to go to work; I want Big Mama to have enough money to pay the bills and go to Ma Krogers when ever she feels lead so she can bake mini-red velvet cup cakes.
My visits on January 12, 2000 were to Christine Burch, Bea Goodrich, Emma Lindsey, Bobby and Barbara James, Chip and Carolyn Matthews. I also kept Lexi and Lara 2 hours for Hannah to go grocery shopping. They were 2 years old I think.
Great crowd at the gathering last night. It was good to have Holly and Heath for the service and then fellowship at CB. We had some friends from New Orleans who were planning to attend the service but they ran late. We meet them after CRACKER BARREL after church. It was our church mom {Wanda McClendon} from New Orleans. Her granddaughter {Sherri} brought her to see us as a 90th birthday present. Sherri was on the phone with Mandy on Tuesday and mentions the family name, immediately, Mandy said, “You mean Wanda.” Sherri couldn’t get over Mandy knowing her name. I told her that her grandmother was an icon here: I have told her story so many times, our folks know it by heart.
GOLDEN GIRLS this Saturday at 9:00 am. We are also planning a SENIOR ADULT outing for February 5. We meet at the church at 4:00 and we are going to Old Green Brier for supper. We will take both vans if needed. If you prefer to drive, you can meet us there at 4:30. Joe David wants us {Senior Adults} to visit the CREATION MUSEUM just South of Cincinnati. This would be a two day excursion with a one night stay in a motel. We are talking $200 plus your food. It cost $24 to go to the Museum and $45 to tour the ARK. Plus your motel room. I think we could get all three of these for less than $200. I know our older Seniors are not interested but perhaps some of the younger ones are: I await your feed back.