Devoted To Prayer


Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.

~Colossians 4:2, NLT


“On any given day, we encounter multiple opportunities to pray for others.”

~Michael Ross

Prayer is a universal practice. Practically all religions pray. I was a bit shocked to realize that we Christians are not number one when it comes to practicing prayer: 90% of Muslims pray, while 86% of Hindus pray with 77% of Christians praying.  A recent survey revealed that only two thirds of the professed Christians pray daily. I suppose the other third prays occasionally. Dr. Andrew Newberg of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital has been studying the scientific results of people who pray. He stated six results of people who pray regularly:

  1. The frontal lobe of the brain thickens. The frontal lobe is known as the control panel of the brain.
  2. Thus prayer improves self-control.
  3. Prayer makes us gentler and kinder. Those who pray daily are much less likely show anger or aggression.
  4. Prayer helps us forgive. You cannot hold a grudge with someone who you pray for consistently.
  5. Prayer increases our faith.
  6. Prayer reduces stress.

{The results of the study are found in Michael Ross book, THE DISCIPLINE THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE, P.21-22}

I got convicted after reading the first line in chapter one, “On any given day, we encounter multiple opportunities to pray for others.” I have been lax in this area and I want to do better.

Don’t forget the workday at Boys Ranch Saturday beginning at 9:00 am. We have a praise from Bill and Cassie, everything went great. Pray for Granny Turrentine. She is in DGH with pneumonia. Can I pray with you?

Abba Father, thank you for hearing our prayers. We praise you for the great report on Bill and ask you to bring healing to Granny. Anoint Joe David as he preaches the word this Sunday. Bless all the lonely and broken hearted. Bless those who are being persecuted for righteousness sake. Bless the reader of this blog. In Jesus name, Amen!


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