In God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?
~Psalms 58:11, NIV
Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the conquest of it.
David was a warrior king who had stood face to face with death in hand to hand combat many times and yet at times he battled fear and even panic. David did understand some basic principles: God loves us and His plan for us is perfect, as well as His love and care. He even records our tears. David also understood that faith and fear are antagonistic to each other. Fear can destroy faith, as it did with the Israelites when they got the report about the land of Canaan from the 12 spies and faith can destroy fearas he did the day David went against Goliath. Matter of fact, if we had perfect faith like Jesus, we would have no fear at all. I think David wanted to be fear free. Timothy Keller prayed, “Lord You love me and care about me. You know every detail of my life and your plan and your love are perfect. Let this truth sink deep into my heart till I fear no more.” Would you like to be fearless or fear free?
When I read Keller’s devotion from Psalm 58, I immediately prayed, “LORD, I want to be fear free or fearless.” Did you catch that: I am a want-to-be. There are bumble bees, honey bees and then there are want-to-be’s. I have always been a want-to-be. Ken Blackwood told about the missionary being threatened by the Muslims…“We are going to kill you”… the Muslims said to the missionary. He paused and then said, “You can’t, I am already dead.” Wow, I love that but am I already dead to self to the point of being fearless like this Missionary? Don’t think so but I want-to-be. Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” Am I pure in heart; don’t think so but I want-to-be.
If you are not a want-a-be it must mean that you are satisfied with what you are.
Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home. I just thanked the Lord a few minutes ago for Ray’s kindness is letting us live here for these past 18 years. We had a great trip to the mountains. They are beautiful this time of year: I don’t think we had ever been there in April. The traffic was so bad going up that I choose a no interstate route home and I loved it: Big Mama did not. She does not like scenic routes. It probably took us an extra 45 minutes but far less traffic and much more relaxing for me. I did miss one turn which may have cost us a few minutes.
My friend Jerry Hall just returned from the Pigeon Forge and he takes I-65 to 840 just South of Nashville and then 840 to I-40, then 140 to Maryville, the 321 on other to Pigeon Forge. You by-pass Huntsville, Nashville, Knoxville and the worse of them Chattanooga.