Your sun will never set again. Your moon will never lose its light. I will be your light forever. Your days of sorrow will come to an end.
~Isaiah 60:20, NIRV
When things seem to be falling a part; they may actually be falling together.
~Image Quotes
There are some great promises in Isaiah and the verse above is one of them. I was visiting with Joyce Chaney last night and we got to talking about the holidays and how difficult they have been for her these past few years. She lost her husband Milton on Christmas Eve 2009 and her daughter Mary one year later on Christmas Day. My grandmother departed this world on Christmas day and I have had two good friends depart on Thanksgiving Day. My grandson Landon asked me a couple of weeks ago if I was going to do my Christmas Eve visitation and I said, “I don’t know son, it is getting tougher each year.” Since 2009, I’ve lost half the people on my list. Joyce Chaney has lost half of her children. She broke down and cried last night as she talked about Mary’s last days in her battle against cancer. I had read today’s verse earlier in the day and so I reminded Joyce that our sorrows are coming to an end. She said, “I know Bro. Jack, that is the only thing that keeps me going.” One of these days, Jesus will wipe away every tear. There will be no more darkness, no more death, no more cancer and no more sorrow.
A young couple lost a child to cancer. They grieved but not like those who have no hope. The church were they attended called a new pastor. Unfortunately he did not believe many promises that are in the bible and he had a very weak view of heaven. The young couple confronted him and he did not deny his position. They told him they would be looking for another church. He asks why and they said, “Because the hope of heaven is what keeps us going.” If the hope of heaven keeps you going, don’t apologize; there is nothing wrong with losing your affection for this world.
- I heard a weather person say yesterday that we had cooler dryer air coming into the valley. I thought, “How can the air get any dryer. Its so dry it cannot frost.” Pray for rain!
- GOLDEN GIRLS today: 9:00 am at Cracker Barrel.
- I had intended to work on my building today but I have changed my plans: I think I will study and watch grand kids play basketball instead. That floor cleaning wore me out.
- Sunday Schedule:
- Deacons Meeting @ 8:15
- Breakfast @ 8:45
- Life Changing Bible Study @ 9:15
- Celebrate Jesus in Worship @ 10:15
- Roast Preacher @ 5:30