My people have begged for my help, and I have seen how cruel the Egyptians are to them. Now go to the king! I am sending you to lead my people out of his country.
~Exodus 3:9-10, CEV
There is more GRACE in CHRIST than there is sin in you.
~Burt Parsons
I love the first few chapters of Exodus and Moses call to return to Egypt. Moses has a job, a family and things were going well for him. His daily responsibilities were taking care of sheep, two sons and a wife; then God shows up and disturbs his peace. Moses decides to take his flock near Horeb and God shows up in the form of a burning bush. From the bush, God speaks to Moses…“My people have begged for My help, and I have seen how cruel the Egyptians are to them. Now go to the king! I am sending you to lead My people out of his country.” Moses is shocked; he is flabbergasted. Here is the story from the JEV. Moses said, “You are doing what! Are you talking to me LORD? Surely not, who am I to go to the king? Have you forgotten LORD that I am wanted man in Egypt? No, LORD, you have the wrong man, I am not worthy to go. If its okay with you, just get someone else. The LORD said, “It’s not okay with me and you are going.” Moses persisted: “I know those people, they are hard headed and stubborn, they will never believe me. They will not listen to a word I say.” The LORD…“Yes they will, I AM going with you and I will give you power. I will even use the stick that is in your hand to show them that I am with you.” Moses said, “That is well and good but you have the wrong man. I am a horrible speaker and I know that going before the king requires some speaking. I just can’t do it. You are going to have to get someone else.” “No I AM not,” I AM sending you.” Moses continued to make excuses, “Now LORD, I just can’t do this, you are going to have to get someone else.” The LORD said, “You are beginning to irritate me with all these excuses: I AM sending YOU. Now get your walking stick and go meet your brother–I AM sending YOU!
You have to admit there is a lot of humor in this story. Moses was a highly gifted, highly intelligent man but he did his best to get off the hook. He came up with four excuses in a matter of minutes. God had a plan to deliver Israel from bondage and that plan was a man by the name of Moses. God didn’t save the Israelites with a program or with self-helps. The Israelites had no hope within themselves or their community. God had to send someone from without to liberate them and that man was Moses. The entire world was lost in the darkness of sin and God sent a Man. God’s plan has always been a man, the Man Christ Jesus. We had no hope of saving ourselves from sin and its destructive powers but in the fullness of time, God sent His only perfect Son to save us. Thank God for Moses and men like him but they only foreshadowed the Man from heaven. God’s plan to redeem us has always been a Man, the man Christ Jesus. Hallelujah for the plan, amen! Hey, there is no plan B. Jesus is the only way.
What a joy divine to get to preach the word of God. I am a blessed man in that regard. Hey, I preached to myself this morning; of course I always do. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for Righteousness,” and I am sure He was talking about Himself because HE IS OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS and the Righteousness of God. I am hungry for more Jesus. The blessedness of hungering for Jesus is that you are satisfied with what you have and yet always wanting more. Hallelujah, what a Savior.
We finish up our series on I Peter at Danville tonight. I think we will go to the Beatitudes next. The clock is ticking on me: I begin the January Bible Study at Sardis Springs in two weeks and I am not prepared. My schedule lately has been hectic and I am not getting a lot done. I am behind on the DIGEST and study. Pray for everyone to get well: I’ve been keeping the road hot from visiting hospitals and going to ball tournaments. Maybe we will catch a break on both.
I loved the sunshine today. I think tomorrow may be nice as well. The school teachers at Grace Point don’t want snow. They say it takes two weeks to get the kids settled down after a snow. I bet they are right.