O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.
~Psalm 39:1, NLT
The ONE who knows you best, loves you most.
~Warren W. Wiersbe
What can I say, Psalms 139 blows my mind. It absolutely amazes me. I read it and I am struck with awe, totally dumbfounded. When I try to wrap my tiny brain around an infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and perfect Spiritual Being, it overloads my intellectuals circuits. Scientist tells us that the star Betelgeuse has a diameter of 100 million miles which makes it larger than earth orbit around the sun. They also tell us it would take 500 billion years to journey to the perimeter of the universe traveling at the speed of light. We know that the Infinite One is greater than His creation, WOW! Why would a being with that kind of power take interest in our lives? According to scripture, He does take a keen interest in our lives. Not only did He create us or fashion us in our Mother’s womb, He takes notes on every thing we do. He eavesdrop on every thought. He knows every anxiety. Do you know anyone including your spouse who cares that much about you. I can’t remember the last time someone sat me down and said, “Jack, talk to me, I want to know all about you.” What about you? Has someone made an effort to really know you? Folks, my best friend is Jesus and for good reason. He knows me inside out and He cares about my problems, even my anxieties. He knows all about my sin and shame. He actually knows more about me than I do. He knows my heart and my motives. I can’t tell you the times that my own heart has betrayed me; I no longer trust it but I do trust Jesus. Matter of fact, Jesus cared so about me that He was willing to take my physical form and then become a sacrifice for my loathsome sins. Folks, that is a FRIEND. There may have been one or two people in the world that would have died for me [Parents] but none could take my sin. The Hebrew kinsman redeemer {mō·dah’ ga’al ,Boaz for example} had to be willing and able. You may have an earthly friend who is willing to die for you but are they able to take your sins with them. Jesus is both willing and able.
I’m all messed up folks. I am 68 years old and I still do foolish things. I’m not talking about dumb things, I am talking foolish, idiotic things. Sometimes I embarrass my family, friends and even myself. I dealing with sin that has plagued me for my entire life and I am tired of it all. I can’t think of a sin I want to keep but I keep thinking about sin. I can go to a doctor and tell him where I hurt but I am incapable of during surgery on myself to remove the sick tissue or organ. We can confess our sins but we have no power to remove them: this is something only the GREAT PHYSICIAN can do and it is by grace. Jesus is my hope, my only hope. Psalm 139 is a trip to the doctor, Doctor Jesus: “Examine me LORD Jesus, show me the condition of my heart. Run some test that reveal my anxieties. Show me anything that is hurtful to You or others that needs to be removed.” If are not ready to pray this for yourself, pray it for me. I have no illusions about reaching a state of perfection but I sure would like to see some improvement. If you really read this blog and didn’t glance over it, send me a bill.