I long for your salvation, O Lord, and your law is my delight. Let me live that I may praise you.
~Psalm 119:174-75, NRSV
Let every breath, all that I am, never cease to Praise HIM {Jesus}.
~Darlene Zschech
{Edited slightly, one word, don’t think Darlene will mind}
This is it, after 22 blogs we have come to the end of Psalm 119. I think it is safe to say, the overriding theme of Psalm 119 is the WORD OF GOD. The bible is an amazing book, there is always something new to learn when we study the bible. Some folks boast that they know the bible from cover to cover but Dr. Wiersbe believes we will be learning from this book, or at least from God’s word throughout eternity. I am going to be honest: I am ashamed of how little I know about the bible and I am troubled by my very bad memory which is getting worse by the day.
I do long for salvation as did the writer of this Psalm and our ultimate salvation is coming with the return of Christ who will deliver us and all of creation from the bondage of sin. Everything that sin fouled up: Jesus will make right. When is Christ coming? I don’t know and neither does anyone else so in the meantime, I will take delight in studying His word. By the power of His grace, I will obey what I understand and I will praise Him as long as I have breath. I like to hear our pastor pray because he always begins with adoration and praise. In our prayer meeting last Wednesday, John got to praising the LORD and a tiny bit of heaven came down. Every man in the room was blessed. I left there feeling like I had been refreshed with a good spiritual bath. Why are we still breathing? So we can praise Jesus. Like the Psalmist, we should live to praise him. Hebrews 13:15 reads, “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise.”
- Veteran for the day is Hal Eugene Bailey. Hal was stationed in Germany during the Berlin Crisis. He served seven years in the Air Force.
- My plan when we left home yesterday was to go to Trenton, GA. by way of Hwy. 71 but you have to turn to the right at Higdon, AL and I went straight which is Hwy. 73 and it goes north right inside the Alabama State line all the way to Tennessee and the Nickajack Dam. The last few miles is beautiful but it was not where I intended to go. I was going to take the LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN PARKWAY which is just passed Trenton. Maybe next year.
- REVIVAL begins tomorrow: ATTEND-PRAY-INVITE.
November 5-8