

Then he told them a story: “A rich man had a fertile farm that produced fine crops. He said to himself, ‘What should I do? I don’t have room for all my crops.’”
~Luke 12:16-17, NLT


Self made men are prone to worship their creator.
~Image Quotes
Narcissism is excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one’s physical appearance. It is extreme vanity, self-love and self-absorption. In the old days we referred to such people as egomaniacs but narcissism seems to be the word of the day and now they are calling it a personality disorder. Call it what you like, the rich fool in Luke 12 had a full blown case. He is so into himself that he does not think of nor mention his wife, children or grandchildren. Matter of fact, he mentions no one other than himself. He doesn’t even think of God, let alone thank God and he should have done both. When a person falls in love with them self, they lose the ability to think clearly. Self-love leads to self-worship and self-worship leads to excessive pride and pride blinds us; it distorts our values, we lose our sense of discernment and we have no concept of what is truly important. There is no wonder God called this man a fool. There was an easy solution to his problem yet he could not see it. It is obvious to me and I am not a business person. His plan to tear down all his old barns and build new bigger barns was stupid, it was economic folly. How could any man be so short sighted as to spend millions of dollars in order to save a few thousand?
The solution to his problem {Of a bumper crop} was to give the excess away. Harvest his crop, fill all the old barns and give the excess away. By doing this he saves money, lots of money. He will not have the expense of tearing down his old barns, nor the expense of building new barns; plus his old barns can store all that he needs. The greedy fool missed it; he did not see this simple solution. Why? Because self-love and greed had distorted his values. People who have given in to their greed cannot consider giving as an option even if by giving they save money. This amazes me; it is a miracle in reverse.

I asked the LORD to give me an opt for an AOK yesterday and He did: June made the appointment for me and guess what–I forgot it. I also forgot a COLS. Good thing I was not officiating. “I really like my tri-focals, my dentures fit me find, my TV ear is working but how I miss my mind.” AOK stands for Act Of  Kindness.

March Madness is history of 2017 and now we can get on to the MASTERS: Big Mama loves the Masters. I did not watch all of last nights game, too many commercials. I waited until the last 6 minutes. I understand the officiating was not up to par. You would think they could get a good crew for the finals. Politics and political correctness is going to ruin everything.

Big Mama says that cold weather is coming this weekend. I still have the plastic around my tomatoes and yes we have tiny green tomatoes. They need to be caged but I can’t do that until I take the plastic down. I have other things that need doing but we need some dry weather before I can do them. The great thing about being retired, I am in no rush.

Why is it that second hand tractor places are outrageous. I went to Cullman yesterday to price a seeder/spreader and they wanted $400 for a used one. I can a brand new one for $425. The guy was also a smart alec. I asked if he had a one row no till planter. He said, “No, but I can make you one or I can make you a two row.” I said, “Which is the most expensive?” He said, “If you bought two cars, wouldn’t two cost twice as much as one?” I turned and walked off, I would not buy a spoon from him if it was raining soup.

An old friend in Athens was promoted this morning or last night, not sure. She was two or three grades younger than myself. She wasn’t old. She always attended the January Bible Study at Sardis Springs and someone this year ask me to go by the nursing home and see her and I forgot. Imagine that! Also, Brent texted yesterday, DBC is now debt free. 


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