Sunday Religion


I do not sit with the worthless, nor do I consort with hypocrites; I hate the company of evildoers, and will not sit with the wicked.
~Psalm 26:4-5, NRSV


 It is a tragedy of unbelievable magnitude that so many people see no connection between their worship and the way they live on a regular basis! 

~Wayne Jackson

Although some modern scholars disagree, tradition ascribes Psalm 26 to David but the occasion of the composition is unknown. Some liberal scholars say it cannot be David; their thinking is–how could a man steal another man’s wife and then have him eliminated while pretending that nothing was wrong? How could David speak of integrity or someone else being a hypocrite when he himself had committed such despicable sins.  I have to read slowly and reread because my mind plays tricks on me. When I first read verse 6...I wash my hands in innocence, and go around your altar, O Lord. My mind saw…I wish my hands were innocent…then I stopped and read it again. I do wish my hands were innocent and this is the kind of people who David wanted to hang out with, those who want to please the LORD rather than those who are proud of their sin.

I admit that David did hypocritical things as do I but he loved the LORD and his hearts desire was to abide with Him and to please Him. I love verse 8...O Lord, I love the house in which you dwell, and the place where your glory abides. For David that was the most Holy place in the Tabernacle but for us it is Jesus. God’s glory was manifested in the Old Testament Tabernacle no doubt but ultimately His glory is manifested in Christ who was God Tabernacled in the flesh [John 1:14]. David loved the Tabernacle and he loved to be in the presence of Yahweh worshipers. Some suggest that he wrote this Psalm before his adulterous affair with Bathsheba which may be the case, I don’t know. I do know David was a sinner as am I and he fell exceeding short of the glory of God. It goes back to something we discussed a few days ago: there are different levels of evil. We are all evil in the sense that we sin and fall short but there is a much deeper level of evil that exist in this world. There are those who refuse to acknowledge their sin or their need of a Savior but there is yet a deeper level and this is the one David is referring to. There are those who hate Jesus and these are the ones that David did not want hang out with. David calls this crowd out in Psalm 139:21… Do I not hate those who hate You, O Lord? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?

As for as the integrity issue goes, David needed a little work and so do we. We all want to put our best foot forward, it is human nature. We were born with incredible theatrical skills and we are good at pretending but this is not a David problem, it is a human problem. Our goal should be integrity, to be real, to be the same at work on Monday as we are at church on Sunday. This is more difficult than it sounds because we are playing to two totally different audiences. If we are real, we are not going to please both crowds. Perhaps David had reached a point in his life that he did not care for pleasing both groups. To do so would be a huge step toward integrity.

Today is day one of VBS and I have put a lot off until today which is unfortunate for me. I will be pulling out in a few minutes to set up the parking lot, fix the leak at the pavilion and finish my trailer. I got up early yesterday and again today, plus I had no time to nap yesterday evening. I imagine I will crash as soon as I get in from VBS.

I had a good time at Enon. Enjoyed the fellowship with old friends as much as getting to preach. I preached an old sermon “WHY CHRISTIANS SUFFER,” and it went OK but it was nothing to write home about. I appreciate Bro. Steve giving me the opt and for the Enon folks listening. I did get into one mild argument and that was because I was defending Tim Keenum. Tim, I stood up for you brother! 

Another very good message from our Pastor yesterday. I have some related thoughts that I will share this week but do not have time today.

I want us to pray for our pastor and we are going to use one of Paul’s prayers found in Romans 15: please stop right now and pray this prayer for our pastor…

Father, You are the God of hope. Today I ask YOU to fill our pastor with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit he may abound in hope. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!

If you agree to pray this prayer…send me a text saying…”I prayed.” {My number is 256-616-8673}

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