So the Lord God banished them from the Garden of Eden, and he sent Adam out to cultivate the ground from which he had been made.
~Genesis 3:23, NLT
The consequences of sin are always greater than assumed.
Adam and Eve got evicted from Eden; they were literally put out. Not only did they lose their home, Adam lost his job as care taker of the garden. Life on the outside of the garden became very difficult. The first family struggled to survive. You may have heard the story about Cain and Abel discovering the garden. They climbed a tree and looked over the wall. They couldn’t keep it to themselves so they told their daddy, “We have discovered a vertual paradise, come and see.” Adam’s reply: “I’ve seen it boys. You may find this hard to believe, but we lived there until your mother ate us out of house and home.”
When Adam and Eve transgressed, they immediately became egocentric {self-centered}. Nothing is this world is more destructive than selfishness and selfish is what they became. God created them to be theocentric but once self became the center of their life, the quality of their life dropped drastically. Man, left to himself will perish. Its impossible for the self-centered to have and maintain enduring relationships. All healthy relationships involve give and take. It isn’t good for one or the other to get their way all the time. Nothing can do more harm to a marriage than selfishness. The modern church is weak and anemic because it is filled with self-centered people. America is on the brink of destruction because we have too many self-centered people. Hell will be filled with self-centered people. There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. {Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25}
- Great turnout for the AWANA KICK OFF. We appreciate all those who helped.
- August and 31 DAYS OF PRAYER is almost gone. You have three more days counting today to prayer for church unity.
- New Church year begins Thursday. I think we finished with 24 Baptisms but we have 7-8 in waiting. We have one baptism this Sunday.
- According to the Survey, only 3 people wanted to keep TRUNK-A-TREAT on the 31st so we will move it to Sunday night October 30th and we will meet with those who are interested in laying out a format and planning the details.